Rocket Explosion

Video 1 of 169
Published:2010-07-27 06:33:39

This is my PML AGM-600 Pit Bull painted like an F/A-18 from The Blue Angels. It was originally supposed to be in memory of Lt. Cdr. Kevin Davis who died in an Air Show back in 2007. Now the rocket is a memory considering the AT M1780 NT motor it had in it spit the forward closure and blasted a giant hole in the side of the rocket. If you look carefully in the video, just after the blast, you can see one of the small 'strake' fins go like a bullet to the right as well as the motor cartwheeling within the void in the smoke on the left.. I am reasonably sure the rocket can be repaired. It is unclear why the motor behaved this way. Everything was done as instructed and the motor case was brand new. I will post details as available.

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