Robert Belknap's Page

Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Club Memberships: NAR# 94191 :: LUNAR

Favorite Rockets: Quest "Mean Green" and the Semroc "BatRok"


I started building rockets when I was a kid, but I never had the patience to finish/paint them. I gave it up when kits became harder to find locally. Now that my boys are old enough to enjoy rocketry, (and with being able to order kits online,) I'm finally getting back into the hobby. This time around, I'm taking the time to learn to do things "right" in order to improve the quality of the rockets I build.

Club Home Page: Pages:



Finished Birds


Tau Zero (inside)



Blue Ninja


Good flight. might want a d12-5 in this one. - d12-3 - 37.949274,-120.794935 [More]


Mean Green


textbook flight. chute deployed at apogee. slight damage (paint scrape) on forward body tube (landed on a rock?) - d12-5 - 37.949274,-120.794935 [More]


Mean Green


straight flight, no rotation. parachute ejected before apogee - d12-3 - 37.949274,-120.794935 [More]


Fire Wizard


Offering accepted by the sky-gods. (lost sight, unable to recover) - c6-5 - 37.949274,-120.794935 [More]


Fire Wizard


Good Flight. Safe recovery. (No fin damage this time.) - B6-4 - 37.949274,-120.794935 [More]



Finished Birds


My Current BAR Fleet



Mean Green - Finishing Touches

Build Entry

So, today I finished off my Mean Green kit. First, I used scotch tape to mask off the area to be painted black. I've read here (more than once) that this is the best way to get a clean line. I figured that I'm going to have the decals over-lap the transition point between the colors, so if ... [More]


Robert's Build Log Photos / Mean Green


Mean Green Build 37



Robert's Build Log Photos / Mean Green


Mean Green Build 16



Mean Green - Painting

Build Entry

I got some time (and good weather) this weekend to begin painting. (Grandparents took the boys off on adventure.) Nothing special here.  I did find a tip somewhere about using old DVD spindles as stands for rockets with engine hooks.  I beefed up the spindle size with some masking ... [More]



Mean Green - Fin Preparation II : The Attachment

Build Entry

The next step was rounding the all the edges of the fins, except the root. Then it was time to mix another batch of wood filler. (I suppose I could have started with the fin prep at the very beginning of the build, and then filled them the same time I did the body tube.) I tried a new ... [More]



Album - Mean Green


Album - Robert's Build Log Photos



Robert's Build Log Photos / Mean Green


Mean Green Build 07



Mean Green - Fin Preparation

Build Entry

I wanted to lminate the fins with paper. I did this on the first batrock I built and I like the technique for adding strength to the fins. I probably don't need it as much on this rocket, but it also helps with the finish. I started out by sanding the edges until everything was smooth. I ... [More]


Mean Green - Motor Mount Assembly

Build Entry

The holiday season got busy.  It's been almost 3 months since I did any work on this rocket. I pulled the kit and my building supplies out while the boys were asleep and got to work. (Noticing a theme here? Maybe I should call this Rocket "The Big Sleep") I started out by test-fitting the ... [More]



Mean Green


I picked this up from the on-site shop during my son's last Cub Scout Rocket Jamboree. It's a pretty simple kit, but I wanted to take my time building it and documenting the process. My goal was to really pay attention to the final finish of the rocket. I've been reading several other build logs, ... [More]


Mean Green - Prepping the Body Tube

Build Entry

I had some time to start this kit today. The first step: filling the seams on the body tube with wood filler. I thinned the filler out with water, then I painted it on along the seams of the body tube. After letting it dry, I sanded off the (considerable) excess. I really glommed the filler on ... [More]



Viper 2-Stage Quick Build Workshop



This was an unusual build experience. It was part of a workshop available on-site at my son's Cub Scout Rocket Jamboree. Intended to give people with a wide range of rocketry experience a chance to build and fly a 2 stage rocket in a day. (My sister-in-law has no prior rocketry experience, and was ... [More]





engine ejected past apogee. nose damaged on landing. repaired and flown again. - B6-4 - 37.730624, -121.766993 [More]


Fire Wizard


no additional damage - b4-2 - 37.730624, -121.766993 [More]


Fire Wizard


another tail fin detachment. repairable - c6-5 - 37.730624, -121.766993 [More]


Fire Wizard


estimated height tail fin detached at landing. repairable - B6-4 - 37.730624, -121.766993 [More]




Lost in low cloud cover. Good recovery. Kevlar shock cord broke at attachment point when prepping for second flight - B6-4 - 37.730624, -121.766993 [More]



BatRok MK II


This is my second Batrok kit.  I built the first one for my son to launch at his cub scout Rocket Jamboree on 10/09/2011.  In anticipation of it not lasting through the day, I orded a second kit. My main objective with this build is to improve the final finish of the rocket. Things I ... [More]



Album - Finished Birds


Robert Belknap