Ray King's Page
AKA: rseazk5
Location: River Falls, WI
Club Memberships: MASA
Favorite Rockets: "Falling with Style (FWS)"
RocketReviews.com Pages:
5 Engine Cluster
B6-2 [More]
B6-2 - NARAM-54 [More]
The Blue Hawk - 2010 Design This Spaceship Contest Entry
This is my second submission for the EMRR Spaceship Design Competition. The rocket is designed to use an 24mm engine, rear engine ejection and 18” parachute recovery. The name Blue Hawk was chosen by my family a dinner one night – kids said it looks like a hawk and well the blue ... [More]
The Blue Hawk - 2010 Design This Spaceship Contest Entry - Blue Hawk
Build Entry
This is my second submission for the EMRR Spaceship Design Competition. The rocket is designed to use an 24mm engine, rear engine ejection and 18” parachute recovery.The name Blue Hawk was chosen by my family a dinner one night – kids said it looks like a hawk and well the blue ... [More]
Scratch Blue Hawk (Scratch)

This is my second submission for the EMRR Spaceship Design Competition. The rocket is designed to use an 24mm engine, rear engine ejection and 18” parachute recovery. The name Blue Hawk was chosen by my family a dinner one night – kids said it looks like a hawk and well ... [More]
Scratch Little Red Speedo (Scratch)

This is my submission for the EMRR Spaceship Design Competition as well as the EMRR Challenge #4. The rocket is designed to use an 18mm engine and 18” parachute recovery. OK – the name – My Little Red Speedo – Hey the rocket is red, it is small, it is fast, ... [More]
Estes U.S. Army Patriot M-104 (#2056) (Kit)

I built this as part of the EMRR Challenge #7 as outlined I built this exactly as the instructions specify and then built a second with my own modifications. This rocket is a Semi-Scale version of the US Army Patriot Air Defense Missile. The rocket is designed to use an 18mm engine and 12" ... [More]
Modification U.S. Army Patriot M-104 Cluster (Modification)

This is part 2 of the EMRR Challenge #7 as outlined I built this rocket as I wanted, making my own modifications. I like the look of the rocket so I didn’t modify that at all – I focused on adding more power. “Tim the Tool Man Taylor would be proud” – if you ... [More]
Quest-FlisKits OverDue Tomahawk (Kit)

( Contributed - by Ray King - 11/28/09)
I designed and built this rocket for #3 Challange of the 2009 EMRR Challenge Kit bash 2 kits and build a
multi-stage rocket. I chose to kit bash Flis Long OverDue and Quests Tomahawk SLCM Cruise Missile. I really
liked ... [More]
Scratch Starburst (Scratch)

( Contributed - by Ray King - 11/01/09)
This is my first entry for the EMRR Spaceship Design Contest 2009. This year I planned to build 3
of the rockets choices, but only finished 2 of them. This is the first of them. Again this year my daughter named the
... [More]
Scratch Love Boat AKA. Lifeboat (Scratch)

This is my second entry for the EMRR Spaceship Design Contest 2009. The name I had previously
used and planned to submit was the The Lifeboat because of the intended use of the X-38, but during the
launches today my cousins kids started ... [More]
Scratch Dark Knight (Scratch)

( Contributed - by Ray King - 08/31/09)
The Dark Knight is a 2-stage 18mm rocket with 12" chute recovery. The Dark Knight name came from the shadow
produced from the fin profile when the rocket was sitting on the launch pad. It looked similar to the Dark Knight
shadow shown ... [More]
FlisKits Tiddlywink (Kit)

This is another innovative MicroMaxx rocket from FlisKits. It was developed by Jim Flis based on customer requests
and in preparation for the upcoming NARAM contest. Based on my results it will likely be a very popular model at NARAM
and any 1/8A HD competitions.
Con ... [More]
Scratch Falling with Style (FWS) (Scratch)

( Contributed - by Ray King - 12/14/08) Brief:
This is my entry for the EMRR Spaceship Design Contest 2008. I was very glad that EMRR offered
this contest again this year. My plan was to build 2 or 3 of these, but as many things go I was only able to finish one
of ... [More]
Scratch Explorer 1 (Scratch)

( Contributed - by Ray King - 12/07/08) Brief:
I chose to model the Explore 1 satellite as part of EMRR Challenge 2008 Simulation Challenge. Explorer 1
(officially titled at NASA as satellite 1958 Alpha) was the first Earth satellite of the United States, launched on
February 1, ... [More]
Scratch Baby Phoenix (Scratch)

( Contributed - by Ray King - 08/23/08)
This is my submission for the 2008 EMRR Challenge #6 - Downscale "Real" Rocket. I have all ways liked the
look of the AIM-54A Phoenix guided missile. I decided I would start with the Estes Phoenix kit as a guide along with
the ... [More]
Scratch Bad to the Bone (Scratch)

( Contributed - by Ray King - 07/06/08) Brief:
Bad to the Bone is my submission to the Box of Stuff contest. This rocket flies on a 24mm engine. Upon
ejection the rocket separates into 4 components: main body, upper body, escape pod, and internal payload. The main and
upper ... [More]
Scratch Senior Prank (Scratch)

The Senior Prank was a brainstorm while I was in my favorite room of the house trying to come up with a cleaver submission to the Odd-Rocket Contest. I began focusing on the toilet paper sitting next to me on the wall for a couple of reason, but I won't go into that. I realized that although I had ... [More]
Clone Estes Ranger (Clone)

I received these plans from NAR and built this as part of my NARTEK Silver achievement. In addition, this was my first cluster rocket. During the construction I made one modification, replacing the payload section with plain BT-60 body tube. The paint scheme represents the classic struggle of ... [More]
Scratch Neutron (Scratch)

Brief: This is my entry for the EMRR “Retro Spaceship” rocket design. When this contest was first introduced I was very excited that I finally had a good excuse to build a vacuum former so I picked “Cool Rockets Space Bucket”. My daughter who helped throughout build said it ... [More]
Qualified Competition Rockets Easy Slide III (Kit)

The Easy Slide III is C motor sliding wing rocket glider sold by QCR (Qualified Competition Rockets). It uses an 18mm
motor mount and rubber band loaded wing that slides forward after the ejection charge burns the thread holding the wing
in place.
This kit is ... [More]
Sunward Aerospace Maverick (Kit)

( Contributed - by Ray King - 11/24/07) Brief:
My entry for the EMRR's Uniquely Designed Finish Contest is the Sunward Maverick. This design was inspired by
NASCAR's #9 Kasey Kahne. Kahne is sponsored by Dodge and my son's favorite driver.
Construction and Finishing:
I modified ... [More]
Scratch Sunday Morning Press (Scratch)

Brief: What better use of the Sunday newspaper? When I started this project I thought it would be very easy to roll a tube from newspaper, after all it is really easy to do at the kitchen table. I found as with many things it is never as easy as I thought.
Parts list:
3-5 full pages of ... [More]
Estes Ranger (Clone)

Modified Estes Ranger - a three motor cluster rocket with a payload section. My version includes a baffle and uses motor hooks that were not part of the original kit.
I was looking for a kit or a plan that would be suitable to fulfill the NARTREK Silver cluster flight requirements. ... [More]