Punk Rocket Science Interceptor-N flight at LDRS-29 (2010-07-07)On board video from the nose camera of the Punk Rocket Science Interceptor-N flight at LDRS-29! The rocket flew on an Aerotech N3300 to an altitude of 3913 feet! [View]
11 Launches in 30 seconds (2006-11-23)11 model rockets launched to the legendary rock of Cold Chisel, "Standing on the Outside". [View]
2 stage Estes rocket crash (2008-01-15)2 stage Estes rocket crash [View]
2008-06-07 ROCK Launch High-Speed Videos (2008-06-28)Videos from ROCK's June launch recorded in high-speed. [View]
2008-07-10 ROCK Launch High-Speed Rocketry Video (2008-07-17)The July 2008 ROCK launch captured in high-speed. [View]
2009-01-17 - Tripoli Tampa Rocketry Association Launch (2009-01-21)High-speed (slow-motion) videos from the January, 2009, TTRA launch. [View]
2009-03-21 Big Daddy Akavish at TTRA Launch (2009-03-26)Roger and Bracha's Big Daddy Akavish is launched on J327 and K327 motors at the TTRA launch in March, 2009. Includes high-speed and onboard footage. [View]
2011-10 Glider Demo (2011-10-20)Demo of electronics installation and servo control (starting about 1/3 thru video) of rocket glider. Glider is intended as a test bed for a system that will recover a rocket after deployment of a ... [View]
2012 3-3 FAR Activities: Sugar motors, Recovery ejection test and a CATO (2012-03-05)Paul Avery static tested three 38mm single use sugar motors, all successful. Hal Duffy did the first test of the drogue chute piston ejection as part of the recovery system being designed for the ... [View]
2015-09-12 NEFAR (2015-09-13)Video of the September 12, 2015, rocket launch hosted by NEFAR in Bunnell, Florida. [View]
2017-11-12 NEFAR Launch - Bracha's Mosquito (2017-11-14)Bracha's Upscale Mosquito is launched on an Aerotech J250 DMS motor at NEFAR's annual Bunnell Blast. The flight used a Jolly Logic Chute Release. [View]
Aero-TV: AIA's Audrey Koehler - Launching Our Next Generation Pt. 1 (2010-06-02)Recrafting The Future of Aerospace Recent publications from the Aerospace Industries Association note that, "America's requirement for workers who are well educated in science, technology, ... [View]
Aero-TV: Third Times a Charm - Ingraham High School's 'Educated Pyros' (2010-06-25)Science, Technology, Perseverance... and FUN! One of our favorite stories at TARC 2010 unfolded before our cameras as we watched a high school team hit a bad run of luck... one misfire... then ... [View]
Aerotech Initiator CATO (2008-04-23)O-ring fails on Aerotech Initiator with loaded "G" engine. [View]
Amateur rocket launches (2007-05-18)This is a highlight of some video we shot at Bear Creek Lake Park in Morrison, Colorado back around 2000. We learned that it's difficult to track the rocket launches with the camera - especially ... [View]
Angled wood joint for model rockets (2009-02-03)When creating spin tabs on the bottom of the fins on your model rocket, you should bevel the edges so that you maximize the strength of the joint. It also makes it much more attractive. In this ... [View]
Another Longshot 2-stage model rocket on-board video (2010-03-28)Onboard video from a 2-stage Estes Longshot model rocket flying on D12-0 to C6-5 motors [View]
Apollo 11 Model Rocket Launch - Recreation of the Original 1969 NBC Broadcast (2019-06-19)At 9:32 AM on July 16, 1969, a Saturn V carrying Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins lifted off from Launch Pad 39A in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Designated "Apollo 11," the mission ... [View]
Astro Blaster 2010 (2010-10-06)Resurrected Estes Astroblaster flies again. Two successful launches in Wilton CT [View]
Big Daddy Akavish (2007-09-30)Roger and Bracha's large Spider-themed rocket is launched on an I motor. [View]
Big sugar rocket motor O-11K (2010-07-19)Static test of big amateur rocket motor using KNO3-Isomalt propellant. Class O-11000,grains 8pcs uninhibited. [View]
Blown Nozzle on rocket at LDRS X (2006-10-27)This launch attempt occurred at LDRS X in 1991, at the Black Rock desert in Nevada. It looks like the nozzle blew out on the motor, so a lot of thrust is lost. [View]
Blue Ninja Rocket Launch w/ Onboard Video (2011-03-16)Maiden launch of our new rocket at Ragwing Field. Not bad video from the rocket POV as the mini video camera only cost $8 shipped! [View]
Blueprint for Disaster-take 2 (2006-11-06)The second flight of the world's largest (so far) hybrid monocopter. A new formula, a nice flight and another hard landing at MDRA's Red Glare launch. [View]
Buccaneer's Football Field Model Rocketry (2010-08-24)An afternoon of model rocketry at the Buccaneer's Football Field in Hinesburg, Vermont - The rocket is the Estes Oracle Video Rocket (there's a launch clip at the very end) [View]
Camera Rocket Launched at LDRS (2008-09-02)This is a video sequence captured by a FlyCamOne2 attached to a LOC-IV Rocket. It was flown at the LDRS in Argonia, Kansas on August 31, 2008. [View]
Caribou Coffee Rocket (2009-10-11)Build, Display, and Launch the LOC HyperLoc 835 [View]
CATO Rocketry Club Launch Highlights #139 July 19, 2008 (2008-07-21)The triumph and the tragedy of launching model rockets! Here are some highlights from CATO Rocketry Club Launch #139 on July 19, 2008. Filmed at Whites Farm Field in Durham CT. This month was hot! ... [View]
CSXT First Civilian Rocket Launch to Space (2007-05-15)Launched to 379,900 feet (72 miles) on May 17, 2004 by the Civilian Space Exploration Team led by Ky Michaelson and Jerry Larson, and sponsored by GoFast Sports. The rocket was powered by a solid ... [View]
Darryl's Thumper (2006-10-13)Darryl's Polecat Aerospace Thumper boosting on an Aerotech I600 Redline [View]
Dave Hein's Quad Pod II (2008-08-30)Dave Hein's Experimental gimbaled rocket [View]
Epic Rocket Launch (2010-05-02)My son decided to name his custom-designed and scratch-built rocket "Epic"... Here is the maiden test launch with a J360 Skidmark with ground footage and then the camera on rocket. The plan was ... [View]
ESL 80 Suspicion of Extreme Ignorance-pad cam (2006-07-03)SOEI didn't hang around on the pad very long, just the way we like it. [View]
Estes Astrovision rocket launch #2 (2007-10-05)Second launch of Estes AstroVision rocket. We used a C6-5 engine. [View]
Estes Big Daddy Launch - Pad Cam and Onboard Side By Side (2008-11-18)Awesome footage from our August 2008 Launch; it's a shame we didn't have a third ground camera tracking the rocket; it ejected just a few feet off the ground. [View]
Estes Echostar 2 stage model rocket launch (2006-11-22)Launch of Estes Echostar with a C6-0 booster & B6-4 sustainer. [View]
Estes Executioner on an E20-7 (2020-06-03)Estes Executioner on an Aerotech S|U E20-7 [View]
Estes Oracle launch on an E9-6 with On-Board Footage (2006-11-06)Oracle video rocket launched on a E9-6 over the New Forest in the South of England, external as well as on-board with pip (picture in picture). [View]
Estes Phoenix Model Rocket - Nine Flights (2006-09-22)One mighty fine rocket! This used a "D" size motor. This puppy was always my favorite! Filmed in 1987 and 1988. [View]
Falcon Heavy Model - Flight 2 (2019-07-31)The 1/48th scale Falcon Heavy model is a technology demonstrator for BPS.space. The intention is to showcase the advancement possible at the model scale. Each of the three cores carries a flight ... [View]
Fullsize Patriot Rocket launch at LDRS XI (2006-10-29)This is an amateur launch of a fullscale Patriot rocket at LDRS XI, in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada. This launch occurred August 15th, 1992. It is impressive to see such large rockets fly, even if ... [View]
G Superroc Test flight - March 2007 (2007-08-05)Southern Neutron Team* test flight. 14.75 foot tall all-BT-60 model, powered by a cluster of one F10 and two E6's. This apparently was the first max-length G Superroc to fly successfully. If the ... [View]
GoPro HD Rocket Launch (2011-01-02)Launched GoPro HD on Estes Renegade-D Rocket with D12-5 Booster Engine without housing. 1st part is a iphone view and second is POV of the GoPro on the rocket. [View]
Hammerhead and Prangle's Drag Race, Onboard! (2009-09-07)Small Spy Camera launched in the Hammerhead, a rocket I designed souly for this camera. The Camera weighs less than 3/4 of an ounce, allowing it to be launched by even a C6 motor. This launch was on ... [View]
HART Rockets Onboard Rocket video using ATC-1000 Camera (2006-11-20)Visit http://www.hartrockets.co.uk for more details - Video from a HPR Rocket on a I350 motor, Filmed using a ATC-1000 helmet camera from actioncameras.co.uk for more information visit the rocket ... [View]
Helicopter Model Rockets (2010-10-27)This video gives you an introduction to the fascinating world of helicopter-recovery rockets. There are many different types of helicopters, and I'll show you a few of the different ones that I've ... [View]
Hi-Flier Rocket Launch (2007-10-14)Our first attempt to build and launch a model rocket. [View]
High Power L2 Rocket w/ Onboard Video- Thick Black Exhaust Smoke- 5/20/2011 (2011-05-23)Launched at monthly TTRA launch at Varn Ranch, Plant City, FL. Aerotech J401 Black Max and Aiptek Hi Speed HD camcorder. Camcorder record button turned itelf off after only three seconds of flight- ... [View]
High Power Rocket flown in Nevada (2006-12-29)This is Hy-Po launched in Nevada at the Aero-Pac Mud Rock launch of '05. [View]
High Power Rocket Launch w/ Panoramic Onboard Video- May 20, 2011 (2011-05-23)Launched at the monthly TTRA launch at Varn Ranch, Plant City FL. CINEMA 3.5 used a Aerotech I200 White Lightning motor and flew an Aiptek Hi Speed HD camcorder. The camcorder was positioned so that ... [View]
High Power Rocket w/ Onboard Video- Fantastic Vidcaps- March 19, 2011 (2011-03-21)Launched at the monthly TTRA launch at the Varn ranch, Plant City FL. CINEMA 3.5 used an Aerotech I200 White Lightning motor and an Aiptek Hi Speed HD 60 fps camcorder. Altimeter fired the main ... [View]
High Power Rocket. 54mm diameter Rocket Shred (2007-01-07)This is the flight of my 54mm rocket on a Aerotech K1100 Blue Thunder motor. The rocket shreds at Mach 1.5 [View]
High Powered Rocket on M3000 motor (2011-12-18)Rocket launched on M3000 motor in Plant City FLorida - reached altitude of 13,500+ft [View]
How to Assemble a Model Rocket Launch Pad (2008-01-18)This is the launch pad that comes with Estes model rocket kits. [View]
HPR Rocket (2006-09-27)This is my scratch built rocket. It is powered by an I285R motor by Aerotech! [View]
HS240 - Johns Rocket Delta cato 07-11-10 (2010-11-07)John's hybrid rocket glider suffering a cato at EARS Rocket Club Meeting on 7th November 2010 - filmed on Fuji HS10 camera at 240fps [View]
Instructions for Building Model Rockets : Kit Setup for Building Model Rockets (2007-12-31)Learn how to setup the kit to build a Big Bertha Estes model rocket in in this free model rockets video. Expert: Jack Attkins Bio: Jack Attkins is a model rocket enthusiast who has been launching ... [View]
Jackson Michigan Model Rocket Club (2005-12-06)Wildman Jumbo Dark Star 8" 14.5 feet tall 93 pounds loaded, flown on a Aerotech N2220. Flew to 7,200 feet and 600mph Wildman Ultimate Interceptor 6" 12 feet tall 57 pounds loaded, flown on a ... [View]
Jon Chrisman's "Ultimate Wildman" Level 3 Certification Flight (2012-09-26)Jon's successful level 3 certification flight with his rocket "Ultimate Wildman". Flown at Freedom Launch 2012 on September 1st in Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. Technical Adviser was Tom Binford. ... [View]
Large Model Rocket Launch (2007-06-04)This rocket is made from BT-60 tubing and was custom built from scratch. It was launched using an Estes D engine. This made for a nice flight and recovery. [View]
LDRS 23-World's Largest Rocket Launch music video (2006-04-18)This music video is from TRA's LDRS 23, the world's largest amateur rocket launch which is a yearly event held by the Tripoli Rocket Association. The music by Doylestown PA's CalmInSight is almost ... [View]
LEGO Boat Rocket: Failed (2008-05-06)We built a LEGO Boat and strapped a rocket engine to it and lit it off. It failed but it was cool:) [View]
Level 3 (2010-11-09)High Power rocketry TRA Level 3 flight:November 6, 2010 at Three Oaks, Michigan. Scratchbuilt Crayon rocket on a CTI M3100 White Thunder to 4440 feet. [View]
Mad Professor TV Test Flight(2) 13.03.2009 (2009-03-16)Second Test Flight of the Mad Professor.tv rocket - this time launched from the grounds of the salubrious Mad Professor Clone Team Headquarters. [View]
Mariah-38 from Giant Leap Rocketry, Inc. (2011-01-03)A brief description of the Mariah-38 ---- a high power rocket from Giant Leap Rocketry. The Mariah-38 features the all new SHOTGUN RECOVERY SYSTEM and the BREAD-BOX AVIONICS BAY. It is a challenging ... [View]
Master Blaster - Car launch (2006-04-04)Flying Mini Coopers launched with very large model rocket motors. [View]
Miss Riley Rocket Launch (2007-04-08)Miss Riley (inspired by 'October Sky' model rocket launch on April 7 2007 in Townsville Australia. Powered by three Estes E9-6 rocket engines. [View]
Model Rocket Build - Estes SpaceShipOne (2012-10-06)The is my first build video, hope you will like it. I'm going to try to launch it in a month's time. [View]
Model Rocketry at University of Leicester (2007-01-17)Up to 100Ns impulse model rockets. All launched at Leicester, East Midlands, England. [View]
Multi Segment Model Rocket Engine Not Multistage Project Success! (Much like the shuttle) (2010-10-08)This video only functions as a documentary of ideas that i try to realize. Like Myth Busters but not cool. This is dangerous and i don't suggest anyone try this. So don't come crying to me if you ... [View]
NAR Rocketry (2006-07-17)This was a friends K-185 Long burn launch..few years ago. Rocket was recovered..after a long search! [View]
NARAM 50 HP Rocket w/On Board Video (2008-08-08)NARAM 50 HP Rocket w/On Board Video. Rocket and video courtesy of Mitch Guess [View]
night launches (2007-05-30)Compilation of a few night launches at Jean Lake (dry) near Las Vegas, NV [View]
NSL 2008 Saturday Night (2008-05-27)Video from the night launch, Saturday 24/May/2008, at the National Sport Launch 2008 put on by the National Association of Rocketry in Orangeburg, SC. [View]
On=board 24mm Deuce's Wild! (2006-12-03)On-board video from a payload section attached to an upscale 24mm Deuce's Wild! The motors are Estes E9-6's. It was flown at the December 2006 monthly launch of the SouthEast Alabama Rocketry ... [View]
onboard camera on model rocket (2011-04-29)My first upload, more aireal footage coming soon, including my plane. I take these videos with my mini FPV cam. [View]
Onboard Model Rocket Video (2006-10-04)Video camera in the nosecone of a Canadian Arrow Estes Model Rocket shoots a short video of a rocket flight [View]
Paper Rocket Challenge with Estes Rocket Engines! (2008-06-17)Build a launch ready rocket using only household items - paper, drinking straws, tape, glue, etc - and estes model rocket engines. Video tape what you have built and make a video response to this ... [View]
Pro98 6G Blue Streak Certification Firing - N2850 (2009-08-29)Pro98-6G-Blue Streak certification firing at CTI facility. Motor designation N2850. August 27, 2009 [View]
Public Missiles Intruder NAR Level 1 Certification (2008-03-20)Launch of a High Power Public Missiles Intruder on a Level 1 NAR Certification Flight. [View]
Rocket Launch (2006-10-21)my dad filmed this video of my X-calibur rocket launched on a H123 Motor [View]
Rocket Launch - Ferret (2006-08-23)Second launch of my scratch-built model rocket, Ferret. LaunchStats- Length: 9 ft Diameter: 4.5 inches Weight: 4.4 lbs Propellant: Cluster of four Aerotech G80-10T motors Max altitude: 2200 ft Max ... [View]
Rocket launch and assembly - Big Bertha (2010-03-19)I show you the launch and assembly of the Estes Big Bertha rocket. This is a good introduction to the hobby of model rocketry. It is a very big rocket (Biggest skill level 1 that estes makes. It is ... [View]
Rocket Scientists in Texas (2008-12-15)Sunday, December 7, 2008. The Heart of Texas Rocket Club (Waco, TX) holds the second day of an event near Asa, Texas. Two launches are shown. [View]
Rocket Tripoli Level 3 Onboard Video (2006-07-16)Rocket Tripoli Level III Launch With On-board Video [View]
SM-2 Launch 3 July 2006 (2006-10-13)Maiden flight of my 100% scale Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) High Power Rocket on a research O-7148 motor. [View]
snow ranch 03142009 0002 (2009-03-15)LUNAR launch at Snow Ranch, March 14, 2009. Gene's L3 launch in 420 fps. Three drag races in 210 fps. [View]
Some of my 2006 rockets (2007-02-02)Some of my 2006 rockets [View]
Terry Johnson's Level 3 Flight (2009-07-20)Terry Johnson's level 3 certification flight. He is flying a 7.5" Fatboy on a Gorilla M1665WC. [View]
The first public 29mm Sky Ripper hybrid motor launch (2007-01-18)The 29mm Sky Ripper Systems 29mm hybrid motor debuted at LDRS 23. The cool little nitrous oxide powered rocket worked out to about a G 63. www.skyrippersystems.com [View]
Using 29 to 38mm motor adapters in High Power model rockets (2009-09-25)29mm motor mount adapters for 38mm kits are deceptively simple looking. "How do you use them?" is a common question people ask. This video will show you a few simple techniques. [View]
VALKYRIE VISION II (VVII) COMPLEX HIGH POWER ROCKET LAUNCH AND AERIAL VIDEO (2010-11-28)On Nov 20, 2010, at the Hudson Ranch launch site located 9.5 miles south west of Pueblo Colorado located on Colorado Highway 78 (Beulah Highway), the Southern Colorado Rocketeers (NAR Section #632) ... [View]
X system Hybrid Rocket Launch system-pad view (2007-01-15)Hypertek hybrid rocket motors use a fill stem instead of a fill line, the X system allows the stem to drop at ignition instead of forcing the rocket to work it's way off. [View]
X-15 flight one (2006-11-02)X-15 plastic model conversion rocket on an A10-3T motor. [View]
Yellow Jacket Land Shark (2010-07-12)Tom's rocket, Pale Rider, on a Yellow Jacket L778. The motor burns, stops, and then resumes several times, falling to the ground before final burnout. [View]
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