For this bird I used the parts from an Estes Baby Bertha and a Quest Full Moon to come up with something just a bit
For this build I used the Baby Bertha's airframe as is out of the package but used the Full Moon's three fins. For
the booster, I cut the Full Moon's airframe to the same length as the root of the Baby Bertha's fins, using all four.
The motor mounts were assembled as per basic kit instructions. I cut a section of the left over Full Moon airframe to
use as a staging coupler glued into the top of the booster. I used the included shock cord and parachute from one kit
for recovery. I did not use a motor hook on either the sustainer or the booster preferring to friction fit the motors.
I did use the engine blocks.
I used one coat of sanding sealer on the balsa fins and finished up using Krylon paint.
First flight was on a B6-0/A8-3 with breezy conditions. Second flight was B6-0/A8-3 and third flight on C6-0/B6-6.
Recovery was normal on all three flights.