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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Quark

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Quark {Kit} (00802) [1997-]

    Mosquitos, Anyone? (2014-05-29)
    The Estes BT-5 Mosquito could be considered a downscale of the Estes STREAK The Streak was BT-10 based. The BT-10 was a clear Mylar tube, close to a BT-20 size. The face card says "Ideal for ... [Read More]

    Featherweight or Tumble Recovery? (2015-01-28)
      There are a few small "Featherweight" / Tumble" models out there. Above is the Quark and Mini Mosquito from Estes. An early featherweight rocket kit was the Estes Streak introduced in ... [Read More]