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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Plastic Model Conversion (PMC)

    Old Model Kits (2011-03-29)
    I just came across this website. Check it out HERE I hadn't seen this many old plastic kits in a long time. Sure, some are outrageously expensive, but if you've got to have it, in some cases it's ... [Read More]

    Old Model Rocket Magazine Scans (2014-03-24)
    I'd forgotten about these on the Ninfinger website. HERE This is probably the entire run of the Model Rocketry magazine from October 1968 to Jan/Feb 1972. There's great reading and plenty of scale ... [Read More]

    Stiletto Design Inspiration? (2015-06-15)
    In 2009, Bob Sanford made a visit to Quest Aerospace. Lots of great information and pictures in these YORF posts: CLICK HERE Douglas Shrock (Shrox Rocket Designs) showed some of his prototypes. He's ... [Read More]