Philip Levanda's Page
Performance Rocketry Little John (4) (Kit)

The best and worst part of this kit is that it is minimalist. When you get the
box, there are not a lot of parts. I have it together now and it is probably my
favorite rocket in my fleet. This thing is a tank and it looks great. It is the
only rocket I have that might survive ... [More]
Giant Leap Rocketry Vertical Assault 3.0 (Kit)

When I was standing in line at the RSO getting ready to put this baby up on a J528, a bystander said to me "You ready to lose that hypodermic needle?". This is a high altitude kit that was made for J motors. At 89in long and 3in diameter, it is long and sleek with short fins. It can easily reach ... [More]
LOC/Precision Nuke Pro Maxx (Kit)

This is an extremely versatile high flyer. Capable of stable flight on as
little as an F20 through J motors. It is 2.2 inches in diameter and 39.5 inches
long. It has three sharp fins for a very sleek, fast look.
The kit comes with a main and a payload body ... [More]