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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Construction / Other Parts

    Canopy Carving, Part 1 (2019-01-26)
    Here's an older post that has been sitting in the "draft" pile. This canopy was carved to make a Goony X-15 from a BT-60 and Quest X-15 kit parts. I always enjoyed carving neckerchief slides when I ... [Read More]

    Canopy Carving, Part 2 (2019-01-27)
    Carve most all of the sides off just outside the pencil lines. Smooth out the sides with some 110 grit sandpaper on a block. Look close from the top and bottom and try to get everything symmetrical. ... [Read More]

    Canopy Carving, Part 3 (2019-01-29)
    The bottom surface needs a concave curve to fit the shape of the nose cone. Some 100 grit was wrapped around a used engine casing to remove some of the canopy bottom. You'll have to constantly check ... [Read More]