David McCann's Rocketry Blog

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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Optima

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Optima {Kit} (2035) [1990-1994]

    Clean Up (2015-10-25)
    So, it was windy.    I’d gone back and forth 100 times on backup flights for this weekend.   Last minute when packing last night, I pulled everything besides the ... [Read More]

    I think it’s time to paint the Optima 38 (2018-03-28)
    My First HPR Optima is a 29mm, and the paint job sort of evolved accidentally.   It’s getting up in age, and while I’m not going to retire it, it does deserve some rest. The 38mm ... [Read More]