Odd'l Rockets Blog

Odd'l Rockets Posts

Sport Rocketry / Events / Contests / International and National / NARAM

    Ceramic Blast Deflector History (2017-10-12)
    An interesting Blast! Deflector back story from YORF:     The MPC starter kit pictured earlier featured a unique parabolic blast deflector.  The design made its first ... [Read More]

    Coming Soon to NARAM - BODY TUBES! (2018-07-19)
    An Odd'l Rockets product teaser - There is more to it than just another body tube! [Read More]

    NARAM 60 Sunday, August 5, Manufacturer's Forum (2018-08-06)
    I participated in the Manufacturer's forum on Sunday night with new products from Odd'l Rockets. On the right is the new BT-20H, heavy walled BT-20 tubing. It has the same wall thickness as a BT-55 ... [Read More]

    Orders! July 18, 2014 (2014-07-18)
    I'm sending off a pre-NARAM order to Apogee today. Apogee will be at NARAM with a small litter of PIGASUS kits for sale. They will also have other Odd'l products available. As soon as I get another ... [Read More]