Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live! archives (2009-01-25)
I've been reporting on NARAM via NARAM Live! for several years. One problem with linking to the site is that, after the event, the content of the main pages are moved to an archive directory. So, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: "Rockets Beyond Strange" at NARAM 51!!! (2009-05-30)
As you all are aware, NARAM-51 is just around the corner. It will be held near Johnstown, PA on August 8 - 14, 2009. I sure had fun at NARAM-50 and #51 should be a blast. Unfortunately, even though ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live 2009 is LIVE! (2009-08-07)
Chris Taylor's NARAM-51 coverage has started . There's not much there yet, but keep your eyes open! This year, he's got a YouTube Channel for his videos. That's good because I've always had codec ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live - Saturday recap (2009-08-09)
The Saturday coverage was smaller than normal. I didn't spot any particular shots that I thought were amazing. I did spot a handful of NARHAMs and MDRA regulars. Kenny (Performance Hobbies) actually ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: MLAS model spotted on NARAM Live (2009-08-09)
If you look around here you'll see what I think is a small model of the MLAS. I also think this is a vendor booth so I'm wondering if there is a kit out there? The big piece of Blue Tube with cones ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live - Sunday update (2009-08-10)
There are a 3 pages of photos from Sunday. The last page has photos of the scale and fantasy scale entries. Yes, the MLAS is represented and there is a cool Saturn V outfitted with SRBs. I hope now ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live - Monday recap (2009-08-11)
Here are the Monday photo pages . Nothing there excited me. I liked the micro Saturn V's on the video page , however. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live - Tuesday update (2009-08-12)
Well, the site error did in fact mean it was being updated, with the first appearing a few minutes after my previous post. On the first photo page , I noticed an Apollo capsule boosting on its abort ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live - Wednesday Stuff (2009-08-13)
The highlights of page 1 , and of the three photo pages, was Vern Estes and his original Big Bertha - a staple at NARAM. I also liked the 'cherry picker' recovery shots. Here's the best video, a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Naram Live - Thursday (2009-08-14)
Whut I thunk wuz kool: Page 1 - Starting about 3/4 of the way down: A big rocket with a huge Easter egg as the cone. The NARAM equivalent of a bowling ball rocket? A cool sci-fi looking ducted ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-51, stick a fork in it (2009-08-15)
Friday was the last day of NARAM-51 and NARAM Live has some good coverage of the scale flights. Here's some of what I liked, but the MLAS (which I've obviously become obsessed with) was the ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: Semroc Releases Ready-to-Build line for NARAM-52 (2010-07-28)
Ready-to-Build™ Kits... We have just released our first ten Ready-to-Build™ kits. These have been in the works for some time and incorporate many ideas and suggestions that have come to us over ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: If it's time for NARAM and you aren't there, then it's time for NARAM Live! (2010-07-30)
NARAM Live! main page with links to current and past NARAMs. NARAM-52 Live! - Flying starts Saturday. Site updates start when Chris gets around to it. I'll be watching and will report ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-52 Live! - Day 2 (Saturday) (2010-08-01)
Some time in the dark of night, Chris uploaded his photos and video from Saturday. I won't highlight any of them as they were all kind of generic. It's great that he put his videos on ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-52 Live! - Day 3 (Sunday) (2010-08-02)
Highlights of Day 3 : A couple of shots of a tube launched rocket. A canted motor Whirlygig. Was that Matthew's original ? The flight and demise of what looked like the big Christmas tree ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-52 Live! - Day 4 (Monday) (2010-08-02)
Here's what I liked from Monday's update : The first photo is a Quest DC-Y Space Clipper. I've got one of those . Chris got his L1, with on-board video . The town hall meeting photos aren't up ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-52 Live - Day 5 (Tuesday) (2010-08-03)
This is the most boring NARAM Live! that I can remember. From what I hear, this is inversely proportional to what's going on. Tuesday on has one highlight - a nice sequence showing a smokey ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-52 Live! - Day 6 (Wednesday) (2010-08-04)
Today's highlights: Tri-F-O's are always cool. I guess Chris was busy going for his L-2 and wasn't as prolific a shooter as in past years. There's a photo of his flight. No videos yet. If they ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-52 Live! - Day 7 (Thursday) (2010-08-06)
Once again, the photos are OK but there is nothing that wowed me in Thursday's album . Not even the coverage of the scale models on page 2. But, the Day 6 videos are now up and are pretty ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-52 Live! - Day 8 (Friday) - The End of the Road (2010-08-07)
So, far, the photos aren't coming up. Maybe there aren't any because Chris has a lot of short slow-motion clips on his Day 8 play list . The best is the clustered N1 . Over all, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: Parachutes (2011-01-24)
This post presents reviews of various parachutes, several of which were received via EMRR. A couple are out-of-production (OOP) and are only included for historical purposes. RocketChutes - ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-53 at T-5 days, 8 hours (2011-07-17)
The NAR's annual model rocketry contest event, NARAM-53 is now less than a week away. I haven't heard anything but assume Chris will cover it on NARAM Live . This assumption is only ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 53 Live! (2011-07-22)
NARAM will be live again at: Once again Chris Taylor will be covering the NARAM. I've attended three NARAMs back in 1975, 76 and 77. For those who can't be ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM scuttlebutt (2011-07-23)
Royatl has posted some info from the NARAM-53 Manufacturer's Forum [via YORF]: Quest will have new MicroMaxx starters. Quest Thunderjets could appear Fall 2012. (Echoes of NARAM-50...still not ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live, Day 1, Saturday (2011-07-24)
There are several pages of launch photos and one of the manufacturer's forum . Saw some NARHAMSters, the TRF banner, the Estes booth, and this big upscale Explorer Aquarius. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live, Day2, Sunday (2011-07-24)
NARAM Live, Day2 - On Sunday, the NARAM activities included FAI quals, sport flying, and scale turn in. Chris didn't cover the sports range, which reportedly wasn't busy (again). I find ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live, Day 3, Monday (2011-07-25)
Today saw more contest flying and the town hall meeting . The sport range was slow again...I suppose that will continue. Too bad, most of the interesting stuff from NARAM has been historically ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Detailed recap of the NARAM Manufacturer's Forum (2011-07-26)
Check out posts 3 - 6 in this TRF thread . Some points I found interesting from the Estes section: The Estes rep said the quality of their black powder is not as good as it used to be and this ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live, Day 4, Tuesday (2011-07-27)
Coverage of the 4th day of flying included Micromaxx (1/8A) streamer and the auction. There are also a couple of interesting FlisKits or Fliskits-like objects from the sports range - the mu ... [Read More]
Wayne Hill's Blog: Semroc releases five new kits for NARAM-53 (2011-07-28)
My favorite little rocket company just released 5 new rockets for NARAM-53. Moon Glo? Shrike? Aerobee 150? Arcas? Baby Orion? [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live, Day 5 and 6, Wednesday and Thursday (2011-07-29)
Launch Day 5 included more contest coverage and some sports flights . Not as many as I'd have liked, but beggars can't be choosers. I do love those 4" Quaker Oats bins! Launch Day 6 was ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live, Day 7, Friday (The End) (2011-07-31)
Well, NARAM is wrapped up and I was disappointed on the lack of coverage of the sports range. By all accounts, it was not nearly as busy as in prior years. Others have voiced that they ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Estes Asteroid Hunter debut at NARAM-53 (2011-08-03)
Via Wallyum on Flickr. He has lots of NARAM photos! [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Live Manufacturer's Forum Videos (2011-08-15)
All the NARAM Live Manufacturer's Forum videos are on the site and running! Go right to the NARAM Live YouTube Channel HERE Just look for the videos that don't have many views to see the ones that ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-54 is underway (2012-07-29)
As expected, NARAM Live! is going to cover this year's event. There is also a YORF thread being populated with news and photos. I am interested in the price of the new NCR kits and ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM Live! - Saturday (2012-07-29)
NARAM Live! has the photos from yesterday posted. They are clearly from the sport range - it's good to see that LDRS does not have a monopoly on odd-rocs! I included a photo of a really cool ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: This NARAM-54 post stinks (update) (2012-08-01)
And, you thought trees, corn and soybeans suck Via the TRF post, I see that the NARAM field has a hazard that stinks both figuratively and literally - a waste water treatment pond. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM-54 is in its home stretch (2012-08-02)
NARAM Live! has posted a bunch of photos from Wednesday , including a couple of sets from other rocketeers. There is also a tally of the contest standings. I saw several shots of NARHAMSter ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Odd'l Rockets at NARAM 54 (2012-08-06)
Those are Odd'l Rocket kits and accessories hanging along the top of the Sirius Rocketry tent at NARAM 54 held last week in Muskegon, Michigan. David Miller sold some kits, I had a ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Naram 54 - Naram Live! (2012-08-08)
Once again, Chris Taylor has posted great pictures from the NARAM 54 meet: For those who couldn't be there it's great photo ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 54 Manufacturer's Forum (2012-08-12)
The NARAM 54 Manufacturer's Forum videos are ready for viewing Scroll down to N54 Day 2 VIDEO 1 0:00 ARA Press 2:35 NARTS 4:00 BMS 13:50 Red River ... [Read More]
Wayne Hill's Blog: New Semroc Kits for NARAM-55 (2013-07-19)
From Semroc: “We have just released five new kits just before NARAM-55. The two “War in Space” kits from Centuri are done. The Satellite Killer™ and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Live! Online Coverage (2013-07-22)
Once again the N ational A ssociation of R ocketry A nnual M eet (NARAM) is online at: Thanks to Chris Taylor for setting up the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Odd'l Rockets at NARAM 55 (2013-07-26)
David Miller from Sirius Rocketry sent this picture - Odd'l Rockets made an appearance at NARAM 55! The kits are hanging on the right side of the tent awning. [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 56, Pueblo, CO (2014-07-26)
Bob Sanford (Initiator 1 on YORF) Posted this NARAM 56 welcome sign. Vanna, I'll take an "E" . . . NARAM Live isn't operating yet. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM 56 is LIVE! (2014-07-27)
Chris Taylor is once again bringing NARAM LIVE! to computers everywhere. Photos, videos and live streaming (I haven't looked at the later). Here's a teaser that I lifted from the Saturday ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Live Manufacturer's Forum Video (2014-07-28)
From Saturday night, the NARAM Manufacturer's Forum is running - Audio was hard to follow in some spots. I hope I heard everything correctly. You just ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: My Ranger at NARAM (2014-07-29)
My Ranger made it to NARAM in one piece! This was my entry for voting into the Seattle Museum of Flight Model Rocketry display. 12 models will be picked. I counted 15 entries so I've got a ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Dave Fitch's Entry in NARAM Concept Scale (2014-07-30)
I hope Dave got high scores for originality. Bob Sanford Picture [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Live Is Back! (2015-07-25)
The next best thing to being there! NARAM LIVE is back with complete coverage. I always look forward to the Scale pictures and Manufacturers Forum. Check it out: CLICK HERE [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Live Scale Pics Posted (2015-07-28)
The Scale turn-in pictures have been posted at the NARAM Live website: CLICK HERE [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Manufacturer's Forum at NARAM (2015-08-05)
I was curious about new products usually announced at the NARAM Manufacturer's Forum. It seems it wasn't recorded this year. On TRF, Kevin J posted: Here is the twitter roundup of ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Live Site is Active! (2016-07-25)
NARAM 58 is up and running! The NARAM Live website is starting to post some great pictures from Saturday: CLICK HERE For those who can't make the meet, it's the next best thing to being there! [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARAM 58 is Live! (2016-07-25)
It appears that I've been asleep at the wheel as I didn't realize NARAM 58 had started. And, as usual, Chris Taylor's NARAM Live! is up and running. Day 1 is a very good place to start. Day 2 is also ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Job Opportunity At Centuri? 1979 (2017-03-20)
While I'm in California taking care of family business, I looked through some of my old files and found this. I had thought it was lost . . . It's dated September, 1979, from Grant Boyd. ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Ceramic Blast Deflector History (2017-10-12)
An interesting Blast! Deflector back story from YORF: The MPC starter kit pictured earlier featured a unique parabolic blast deflector. The design made its first ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Back In The Day, Part 11 - A Tracking Scope Revelation (2018-04-18)
Last night I happened to be perusing through my collection of Model Rocketry Magazine issues , looking for some rocket plans I had recalled seeing. I happened upon the October 1969 issue which ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Model Decals (2018-05-07)
I want to put name decals on my NARAM competition models. The names are going to be very generic, the paint (if any) will be simple. I always liked the font Centuri picked when their catalogs went to ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Memories, Transporting Rockets - Old School! (2018-06-24)
In 1975 I was on the way to NARAM 17, getting on a connecting flight from Atlanta to Orlando. Across from me was a guy sitting with a cardboard box with body tubes sticking out of it. I asked: "Are ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Second time around... (2018-07-08)
My 30+ year old competition rockets (Click to enlarge) During the first 25 years or so of model rocketry, the elite rocketeer was not one who had completed a level 3 ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Coming Soon to NARAM - BODY TUBES! (2018-07-19)
An Odd'l Rockets product teaser - There is more to it than just another body tube! [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Coming Soon to NARAM - BODY TUBES! (2018-07-20)
This is an Odd'l Rockets product teaser - There is more to it than just another body tube! (If I shared this new product concept with you in conversation, please don't give it away in the comments ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: No Sunday Post? (2018-07-29)
Let's just say I took a day off. Preparing for NARAM is a lot of work. Too many shock cords to attach, pop-lugs and parachutes to make. Add to that a fairly good sized order from ERockets to box up ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Last Minute NARAM Prepping! (2018-07-31)
Good thing I looked over the NARAM Classic Competition Rules. I needed to put together some documentation about my entry, the Dragon Ship 7. I needed references to where I got my clone information, ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Arrived (Early) in Pueblo! (2018-08-02)
I haven't done a long drive since the early 1980s. I would drive alone from California to Florida in three days, averaging 1,000 miles a day! I'm older now, I gave myself a four day travel ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Saturday, August 4, Rocketeer Reunion (2018-08-05)
The first day of launches at the NARRAM field was a sport launch. A few were testing their boost gliders and streamer duration models. I was very surprised to see Brian Urban from Tampa, TTRA and ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 1 - Like A Kid In A Candy Store (2018-08-06)
Saturday, August 4th, 2018, I made the 80 mile trip from Castle Rock to Pueblo to attend a much anticipated event - the NAR 60 year anniversary Rocketeer Reunion. Despite traffic delays on ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Sunday, August 5, Manufacturer's Forum (2018-08-06)
Sunday was another full day of Sport Flying at the field. Lots of Mid Power launches. The Estes tour and the first competition launches start tomorrow. There were nine vendors presentations. ESTES: ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: NARAM 60 Sunday, August 5, Manufacturer's Forum (2018-08-06)
I participated in the Manufacturer's forum on Sunday night with new products from Odd'l Rockets. On the right is the new BT-20H, heavy walled BT-20 tubing. It has the same wall thickness as a BT-55 ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 2 - An Old Rocket Buddy (2018-08-06)
I'm going to start this reunion series on a more personal note. This is a picture of myself and one of my best friends who happened to travel out here from Virginia to attend the reunion - Mr. ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 3 - The OddRoc Master Himself (2018-08-06)
While making another circuit of the meeting room floor early in the event, I came across one of the display tables on which some new items had appeared.... And I knew exactly who ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Monday, August 6, Estes Tour and Boost Glide Competition (2018-08-07)
Estes gave two tours for forty guests each. I was signed up for the 10:0 a.m. tour. Here's the tour group waiting at the door. To the right is a pickup truck. That was once Vern Estes parking place. ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion. Part 5 - Presentation Opening Remarks (2018-08-07)
Halfway through the reunion activities, the central stage and podium were open to presentations by the various NAR dignitaries who were present. To start things off, Reunion Coordinator Trip Barber ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost /Glider Build, Part 1 – Introduction. (2018-08-07)
The FlatCat Boost Glider was designed by G. Harry Stine back in the earlier days of model rocketry. It is arguably the quintessential example of a standard front engine pop-pod ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Tuesday, August 7, Streamer Duration and Payload Altitude (2018-08-08)
Last night was the NARAM Town Hall and turn-in of the Classic and Sport Scale entries. I might have a shot at a place in the Classic Model Competition. There was some standout entries in Scale and ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 6 - Getting Those Autographs (2018-08-08)
The NAR 60th Year Reunion proved to be a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to meet all of the big names in model rocketry, so naturally I had brought along a few items to be ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Wednesday, August 8, Helicopter Duration and B Cluster Altitude (2018-08-09)
Today was a slower schedule for me. I had the Estes Mini A Heli ready with some A10-3t engines. John Boren (the designer) was at the return table. He jokingly said: "You changed the fin design, I ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 8 - A Few Old Rocketeers. (2018-08-09)
Actually there were more than a few in attendance at the reunion... Here is a pic of Tom and Linda Milkie: Back in the old days, I used to read and re-read all of the fine articles and plans ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Thursday, August 9, 1/2A Parachute Duration and C SuperRoc Altitude (2018-08-10)
This picture probably should have been posted earlier. Here's the entrance to the Hudson Ranch SCORE field off highway 78. That's a great launch field landmark. I was checking in my 1/2A Parachute ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 10 - A Few Words From Bill Stine (2018-08-10)
After being introduced by NAR president John Hochheimer, Bill Stine took the podium. Bill related the story of the beginnings of the hobby of model rocketry, starting with how his father, G. Harry ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Thursday, August 9, Evening - Classic and Sport Scale Static Judging (2018-08-10)
Here's the static judging high point model in the Classics Competition. The build is by Chris Kidwell. Clean work and great presentation. I thought I was going to do better with my Dragon Ship 7 but ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Friday, August 10, Classic and Sport Scale Model Launch (2018-08-11)
Spectators brought out their lawn chairs to watch today's launches. The Classic Model Judge apologized for my low static score on the Dragon Ship 7. Like I assumed, the supplemental data I supplied ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 13 -More Fine Displays (2018-08-11)
Another one of the display tables held a large collection of early Canaroc model rocket kits. This presentation was provided by Mr. Denis Lufkin (NAR 96987). On ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Saturday, August 11, Observations and the Long Drive Home (2018-08-13)
I learned a lot from the past week at the NARAM. 1. A week seems too long. A four or five day NARAM would have been about right. EDIT: As it turns out, the next NARAM will be only four ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 14 - Lee Piester at the Podium (2018-08-14)
The next member of model rocketry royalty to give a talk was Lee Piester, the man behind Centuri Engineering. Lee gave a very interesting speech, relating the story of his conversion from ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 15 - One Final Display (2018-08-14)
The last item on the row of meeting room tables was my own small display of NARAM-11 ephemera. Included was an official meet program that was distributed to visitors to ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 17 - Wrapping Things Up (2018-08-15)
Well, boys and girls, This post pretty much completes the series on the NAR 60th Year Rocketeer Reunion. I had nearly as much fun writing and putting together this material as I had ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: More NARAM Pictures (2018-09-01)
Here's more shots from NARAM 60. The opening weekend was all Sport Launches. I knew I'd taken more pictures, these were in my other camera. Bob Kaplow launched a plastic saucer with a long burning ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Launch Date: 3 September, 2018 - Model Rocketry Is Alive And Well In Castle Rock, CO !! (2018-09-04)
I recently had the pleasure of meeting a fellow old-timer model rocketeer who lives right here in the Castle Rock area - Mr. Jim Gazur. Jim was heavily involved in model rocketry back in ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM - 61 Manufacturer's Forum Video (2019-08-15)
To find out what's coming in Model Rocketry - Watch the NARAM 61 Manufacturer's Forum To see the video: CLICK HERE Garth Illibrun let us know of the Apogee video on the Estes Model Rocket ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Back In The Day, Part 29 - Some NARAM 11 Pictures! (2020-07-20)
Today's post topic goes back nearly 51 years - all the way to August, 1969. The place: The United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The event: NARAM 11. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The Dungeon's Top 10 of 2008 (2008-12-23)
All and all, 2008 was a momentous year here in the Dungeon. On a personal basis, it started poorly but ended on a high note. But, since this is a rocketry blog, my top 10 is limited to on-topic ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry, January/February 2009 (2009-01-10)
Lead article is coverage of the 17th World Spacemodeling Championships that were held in Lleida, Spain. Other than spotting NARHAMSter Ed Pearson, this one didn't really interest me. Nor did the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry, March/April 2009 (2009-03-09)
Just got the new issue and am a little disappointed. Not due to the quality of the articles but their subjects just didn't excite me. Hopefully, this curmudgeonly post will be taken with a grain of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Who's your Big Daddy? updated, already! (2009-04-24)
Here is my mostly completed, 29mm Big Daddy. 'Mostly' because I won't install the nose cone bulkhead and any required weight until I lay hands on one of Quests new F12 BP motors . (see note below!) ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The USAF looks at reusability (again) (2009-05-14)
Clark Lindsey points to this Aviation Week piece on the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's (AFRL) Reusable Booster System (RBS) request for information (RFI). A YORF user found another reference , ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Saturday 06.20.2009 (2009-06-20)
The NARAMS ECRM launch was on despite the threat of rain and afternoon thunderstorms. The weather reports looked like there might be breaks in the rain so I staged my stuff last night. This morning ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Aurora Flight Sciences (2009-07-23)
Besides hosting the Old Rocketeer's Reunion during NARAM-50, Aurora Flight Sciences designs and builds cool flying things. Wired's Danger Room discusses the flight test of their prototype Excalibur ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Lack of status (2009-08-03)
My quest for clear square tubing continues without success. It appears I'll pay for gasoline but not shipping costs. Looks like I need to scrape up some new project as my one active one is stalled. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rocket competition tips and resources (2009-08-09)
George Gassaway has compiled a cool competition website for NARAM-51. I especially liked the scale, peanut scale and fantasy scale pages, which include lots of reference links. It's of course too ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: SNAFU Wednesday (2009-08-12)
So, this morning I found NARAM Live's Tuesday page wasn't updated. TRF is giving database errors. There are no breaking news reports from the manufacturer's forum at NARAM. And, to top it off, the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: So, do I even need/want clear fins on my MLAS? (2009-08-15)
For some reason, I've been chicken about its stability. However, the RSim model I'm basing mine on was made by someone on the NASA team that directed its development and he stated his model agreed ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Project Pluto (2009-08-15)
I've always thought the Project Pluto Supersonic Low Altitude Missile (SLAM) was cool looking and would make a fun scale subject. As I mentioned earlier, there are photos of one flying at NARAM . ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Another use for a small fan blade (2009-08-19)
From the NARAM-51 sports range . [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Direct staging APCP to BP motors (2009-09-30)
TRF member rocket999 provided a link to the following interesting article: Direct Non-electronic Staging From Reloadable Composite Motors To Black Powder Motors , Jay Calvert, NAR # 71767 C Division, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry Nov/Dec 2009 (2009-11-09)
This is the NARAM 51 edition and my main feeling after thumbing through it is...I wish I had attended! The coverage is typical to past NARAMs and includes plenty of photos. It started ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Interesting discussion: Sparkies to come under fire at NFPA: Who Made The G? (2010-01-24)
A few days ago, Rocketry Planet published a great article regarding the coming meeting of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)'s Technical Committee on Pyrotechnics in Salt Lake City, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry March/April 2010 (2010-03-13)
In this issue: Performance analysis of 6 vs. 7 tube fin rockets by Larry Brand; a 'bulletproof' Estes build; a Member Photo Blast featuring plastic and cork; Baffles and More ; rockets to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: My initial PMFL line up (updated) (2010-05-24)
With the announcement of the P aul M iller F arewell L aunch at the next MDRA launch on June 26th, I wanted to grab a quick photo of my Paul Miller Recycled Fleet. Left-to-right and back-to-front: ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rocketry in the Inbox (2010-07-15)
EMRR is back after a month hiatus with a respectable number of new reviews. The winners of the Kitbash Virtual Contest have been announced. Which mostly reminds me that I need to tale a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Back into the Backdraft (2010-07-22)
The Backdraft is probably the most unique rocket kit I've built. The rocket boosts on a short delay motor, ejects the booster unit, the upper section comes in ballistic and, if all goes as ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Semroc's latest - 'Ready to Build' but with advanced features (2010-07-28)
Semroc just released a new line of kits with initially 10 new rockets. These are largely downscales of, as you'd expect, classics. The name is a play on words since all kits are ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Old Range Box Part 2 (2010-07-30)
Check out the old stickers on the inside lid! Those go back to NARAM 17 and 18. The upper shelf holds (clockwise from the upper left) 1. Engine mount adapters and heavy twine. 2. Igniters from Estes ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Early Saturday hodgepodge post (2010-07-31)
NARAM-52 Live! is shaping up well. The Friday non-rocket photos includes a rocket girl. Would steal it if it actually included a rocket. I cut the fuse for the Backdraft flight. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: More Centuri Pronunciations (2010-08-05)
A while back I did a post about the correct way to say Centuri. I've never known the correct pronunciation of Lee Piester's last name. Until now - I was watching the YouTube ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Sky Hook Build Part 1 (2010-08-05)
I read a post on YORF from Carl at Semroc. He talked about how Bill Simon was at NARAM and signing the Semroc Sky Hook kit giveaways to the participants. Carl wrote he had an extra kit and would ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Sky Hook Entry Story for TRF (2010-08-06)
Carl from Semroc said there was one more Bill Simon autographed Sky Hook kit left from NARAM . He asked for Sky Hook stories. Here's mine: Back in the spring of '72, Estes mailed Model Rocket News ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: The End of SEMROC? (2010-08-11)
I'm sure by now most have read this thread: It's a sad day for rocketry. After all the good will shown at the recent NARAM, Estes/Cox ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The jury is in, and the verdict is...Semroc lives! (2010-08-13)
The jury here is a jury of two, Carl and Rick. It looks like the legal unpleasantness of late will indeed work out . So, all the disgruntled rocket geeks can re-establish their orders ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Enerjet 1340 Paint Schemes Part 7 (2010-08-17)
Bob (Initiator001 from YORF ) said it would be okay to show his three versions of the Enerjet 1340. Thanks Bob! From left to right: This prototype version was seen on the cover of the Enerjet flyer ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Contest - Full Circle (2010-08-20)
I got a small package in the mail today from Semroc . I wasn't expecting an order, that came last week. I was surprised to receive a special edition Sky Hook kit signed by Bill Simon. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: I tawt I saw a Pawl Miller... (2010-08-30)
I did, I about 1:40 into this video from NARAM-52. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: UFO pop 'gliders' (2010-09-10)
I've seen many, and built one, rocket with pop gliders. Here's my Mirror Image featuring two Guillow's Shuttles. But, now I see the Model Rocket Building blog is featuring the OOP MPC Martian ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rocket launch probabilities (2010-10-15)
I was looking forward to this weekend's NARAMS launch but it looks like life has gotten in the way. P L =0. I also feel bad for the rest of the club because the weather report is saying the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry, November/December 2010 (2010-11-15)
Although it almost didn't survive my grandson, I am finally looking at the latest issue of Sport Rocketry. (I only got it a few days ago but, more typically, I at least scan it right away.) ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Sweat-Stained Clifton Tracking Station Hat of Death (2010-12-19)
The Hat of Death is a UFO-type rocket made from an old fishing hat. The hat is removable in case I forget a ball cap - wouldn't want to sunburn the top of my head. Logging 57 flights to-date on ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews of two V2's (2010-12-19)
Semroc's V2 xKit is a reproduction of Estes K-22, which was originally released in 1965. Like the original, it flies on 18mm motors and features balsa nose and tail cones. The xKits don't come ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Fireball XL5 (2010-12-23)
This is a fantasy-scale model of the Fireball XL5 spacecraft, which was the subject of an old TV show. My motivation came from a thread on the The Rocketry Forum. Inspired by a model being developed ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Upscale BLU-97B Cluster Bomb (2010-12-23)
This is a description of my G-powered upscale of the Estes BLU-97B Cluster Bomb. The body consists of two 5" Quaker Oats bins. Here it is next to it's Estes cousin. The nose cone tip was turned ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Deuce XL5 (2010-12-24)
The Deuce XL5 was my Descon-13 entry and, for the record, the following were the attributes as they applied to the contest: no Micro-Maxx, x2 cluster, sci-fi, comedy(?), most parts from a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Mirror Image (2011-01-04)
I couldn't believe it when my wife spotted the Guillow's foam Shuttles on clearance at Michael's Crafts. I am finally getting her fully trained to spot rocket components. Anyway, I bought two more ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Estes - Strike Fighter (2011-01-04)
I built this kit in the late 1980's. This model really looks cool and, despite the number of parts, was not that difficult to put together. It is a futuristic space fighter reminiscent of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: SpaceShipSqrt(-1) (2011-01-08)
When one of my rocketry buddies decided to hold a building session, I was scrambling to decide what to work on. I decided to use a 50% off Michael's coupon to grab an Estes SS1 kit for bashing. I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: SpaceShipY (2011-01-09)
This is a sci-fi-style model inspired by the Star Wars Y-Wing Fighter. When I converted an Estes SpaceShipOne into the SpaceShipSqrt(-1) , I had the fin set left over. Mix these fins with a pill ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Talk Radio (2011-01-11)
This rocket is made from a sports water bottle that was donated by a local talk radio station, hence the name. It has a 24mm mount, recovers by parachute, and uses 'plate fins'. 'High tech' features ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: Art Applewhite Double Helix Monocopters (2011-01-11)
Art's Double Helix is new twist on the monocopter (pun intended)--it has two wings and flies on two motors. In fact, it's more or less two Helix Monocopters stuck end to end. Technically, it's not a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Semroc - Golden Scout (2011-01-19)
When buying some parts and supplies, I decided to go ahead and grab a Golden Scout to commemorate Vern and Gleda Estes' 50 years of contributions to this educational and fun hobby. Without their ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Art Applewhite - Stealth D5 (Beta) (2011-01-21)
This was a Beta test version Art’s popular Stealth Qubit that was specifically designed exclusively for the new Quest D5-P 20mm diameter, long burn motor. The motor's long burn and thin wall, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Boot Hill (2011-01-23)
This is a Halloween-themed oddroc based on a toy coffin. It features a 24mm mount and patented Coffin Lid Recovery . Construction: The parts list: * One pine (basswood?) coffin from Michael's * Three ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: Motors (2011-01-24)
Here are my motor reviews from EMRR. AeroTech G77R (updated!) AeroTech G79W (updated!) Quest D5-0 Plugged Ellis Mountain SU J110 (out-of-production) Ellis Mountain SU J228 (out-of-production) ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Heavenly Hobbies - Backdraft (2011-01-26)
The Heavenly Hobbies Backdraft is a BT-60-based, 24mm-powered rocket that on face value looks like a standard 2-stager. If you've read the previous reviews, you'll know that there is one major ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews: Two General Modeling Books (2011-01-27)
This post presents reviews of the Modeler's Notebook Model Design & Blueprinting and the CultTVMan Ultimate Modeling Guide to Classic Sci-Fi Movies . Modeler's Notebook - Model Design & ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews: Three Nike Smoke-like objects (2011-01-27)
This post describes: a Quest Nike Smoke modified for 29mm motors; a cloned, stretched Smoke with a functional nose cone; and some Nike Smoke parts merged with a Tiny Tim booster. Nike Smoke (29mm) ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: New Quest motors on the way? I'm not holding my breath. (2011-02-07)
Chris Michielssen posted the following from a discussion on TRF. Posted on TRF from Oliver - European Rocketeer: "But seriously, our German Quest distributor is currently developing a new engine ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Corkscrew 2 Build Backstory (2011-03-05)
Here's a fun, easy to build design by Bruce Levison . The CORK SCREW won him first place in the FlisKits Design of the Month Contest in October, 2003. Here's how Bruce described his entry: October ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry, March/April 2011 (2011-03-14)
This issue really makes up for the last one (which I thought was the least interesting issue since I re-joined the NAR). Here's a cover-to cover walk through: The cover features the Rocket ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Happy Birthday G. Harry Stine! (2011-03-26)
Here's a great YouTube video on the G. Harry Stine legacy - HERE I met Mr. Stine at my first NARAM in Orlando, Florida back in 1975. He took the time to meet and talk with all the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: ROCKETS Magazine, April 2011 (2011-05-31)
I'll start with what I think was the most significant news contained within the pages of this issue. In a short but deep article, David Chance reflects on how "rocketry can teach you lessons ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Friday lamentations (2011-07-22)
I'm not at NARAM-53 I'm not at NY Power The Shuttle is gone It's 105 degrees out but it feels like 115 [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: "Have mercy, Been waitin' the the bus website updates all day..." (2011-07-28)
I've been waiting for various amounts of time for: The NARAM Live Wednesday update (hope this means it's big and full off odd-rocs). The ESL-158 photo gallery (maybe nothing has been ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: The New BMS MIGHTY D Launch Controller (2011-08-06)
Here's the newest from Balsa Machining Service: The MIGHTY D 12v Launch Controller It's a innovative design - 12 volts of power in a 7" long X 5" tall box. It'll fire any igniter from a Micromaxx to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: YAHP (yet another hodgepodge post) (2011-08-09)
A reader provided links to photo essays about the Russian museum of the "NPP Zvezda" aerospace corporation. ( translated ) http://ru ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: A NAR Section Newlsetter Done Right! (2011-11-12)
If you are ever looking for inspiration on how a section newsletter should be produced, check this out: This is the website to go to with a good cup of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry November/December 2011 (2011-12-12)
The main theme of this issue is NARAM-53, which was held last summer in Cincinnati, OH. As with most contest coverage, I mostly liked gawking at the photos of the sports range and, in this ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Build status or the lack thereof (2012-06-19)
This is a rambling rant, so you might want to go elsewhere NOW! I currently all excited about flying again this weekend at NARHAMS new alternate launch site. The weather is looking good and, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: June was great! (2012-06-24)
This month, I managed to get out to three days of organized launches and held one 'solo' launch. This was the most flying I've done since NARAM-50 in 2008. I made 36 flights and burned 44 motors. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: LPR/MPR kit news (2012-07-27)
Yesterday, Matt Steele posted that the first batch of the new NCR kits have been shipped to Apogee, which is the only distributor. He will also have a few at NARAM-53, should you be going. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: BMS IMP Kit - $.99 ! (2012-07-29)
Bill Saindon of Balsa Machining Service announced a new kit last night at the NARAM manufacter forum. It's the IMP , a BT-5 based model made for 13mm "T" engines. Featherweight ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The Dungeon's Top-10 for 2012 (2012-12-22)
I see Chris Michielssen posted his top ten for 2012. So, I see no reason to wait to post mine: 1. Space Shuttle Discovery buzzes Washington DC . 2. Discovery and Enterprise nose-to-nose at ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Letter from Nik Bergenske (2013-01-04)
Hi Chris, I was feeling a little sentimental today after helping my son put together some space models - and it prompted me to google my dad's former business - Model Rocket Industries. I enjoyed ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Meatball Rocketry Website (2013-06-01)
The Meatball Team won the scale competition at NARAM 50. Stop by their website and find out why! You'll find Plenty of scale information and build tips. The articles on ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: New SEMROC Kits! (2013-07-20)
Five new Semroc kits have been released just in time for NARAM 55! Three are Centuri based models - The SATELLITE KILLER, REDEYE and EGG CRATE. Two more "Groonies" - YUNG'UN's NUKE and the SNAKE ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: It's a sad day for rocketry - Carl McLawhorn has passed (2013-08-12)
This morning, we learned that Carl passed away last night. For my readers who don't know him, he was a long time sport rocketeer and for the past several years, with his wife Sheryl, was running ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Remembering Jetex (updated...again: new link and photo) (2013-08-13)
I recently re-found the site. This site is dedicated to all things Jetex, including the motors, fuel, model kits, plans, etc. You youngsters, assuming you haven't already resorted to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: A Magical Mystery Tour Rocket and a rocket Supergirl (2013-09-01)
When I got notification that Verna and Randy's September blog update was up, I clicked over to Fire and Smoke . What I saw made me think of the Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour . Click on over ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry, November/December 2013 (2013-11-15)
This issue is largely dedicated to contest rocketry, covering both NARAM 55 and the FAI World Championship flyoffs, wherein the members of the US team were selected. I'm not a contest flier so ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Rocketry Items on EBAY (2014-04-25)
The finished 1969 catalog Estes ALPHA is up for bidding on EBAY HERE this is the same Alpha built on this blog. No plastic, all balsa with custom decals to match ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Mosquitos, Anyone? (2014-05-29)
The Estes BT-5 Mosquito could be considered a downscale of the Estes STREAK The Streak was BT-10 based. The BT-10 was a clear Mylar tube, close to a BT-20 size. The face card says "Ideal for ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Orders! July 18, 2014 (2014-07-18)
I'm sending off a pre-NARAM order to Apogee today. Apogee will be at NARAM with a small litter of PIGASUS kits for sale. They will also have other Odd'l products available. As soon as I get another ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Jeff Taylor's Steampunked ACME Spitfire (2014-07-27)
Jeff Taylor (FatBoy on TRF) "Steampunked" his FlisKit ACME Spitfire. The finished results are amazing! CLICK HERE There are hundreds of rivets and plenty of cardstock trim. I especially like the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: John Boren's Navaho Cruise Missile (2014-07-31)
There's a good reason why John Boren works in R&D at Estes. If you haven't followed the Navaho build thread on YORF you should check it out - CLICK HERE John's scale entry at NARAM 56 ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: EBAY Rocket Listings (2014-08-19)
The Estes Reflector is up for bidding on EBAY - CLICK HERE The same model built was here on the blog. Also for sale is the 1976 ESTES NARAM Contestants Package. Check out the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: New EBAY Items (2014-09-04)
I've put up some rocketry items for bidding on EBAY. First is the Estes Black Brant III made from the nose and tail cone from the Crossfire kit. CLICK HERE Fins are cut from basswood and scale ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Custom P.O.N.G. at Seattle Museum of Flight (2014-11-26)
Bill Stine referred my name to Custom Rockets about building a Custom PONG kit for the Seattle Museum Of Flight rocketry display. I had one upstairs, finished and never flown! CLICK HERE The is ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Coming Soon from Estes (2015-06-27)
Estes has some new kits unveiled in their Coming Soon page - CLICK HERE A larger Maxi-Brute sized HONEST JOHN was shown at a past NARAM. This one is smaller, BT-60 based. To me, a more ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Old Estes Building (2015-07-09)
On TRF, Steven asked: I always wondered what happened to the building you saw in many of the catalogs. For those TRF posts, CLICK HERE From the 1971 Estes catalog: "The Estes plant now ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes (Centuri) Little Joe II !!! (2015-10-02)
Just added to the Estes Coming Soon page - This is based on the older Centuri Little Joe II, the BIG one. It'll use the D12-3 engine instead of a cluster. CLICK HERE to see the Estes webpage. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: My BIG Deal and Steal - An Old Story (2015-10-12)
I went to the 1975 NARAM, held in Orlando, Florida. Near the end of the meet a fellow flyer was distributing a mimeographed list of rocket kits for sale. If memory serves, his name was Warren Cisco. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Star Wars . . . (2016-02-11)
I finally went to see the newest Star Wars movie. I know, about time, right? At my age I don't feel a need to camp out for the Midnight premiere. I wasn't blown away. It was nice to see some of the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Throwback Thursday Pic 2 (2016-02-25)
Here's a picture of the first time I saw Vern Estes in person. This goes back to 1975 at NARAM 17 in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Estes walked into the room and you could hear the whispering: "Hey look, ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Throwback Thursday Pic 3 (2016-03-03)
Here's another picture from NARAM 17, 1975 in Orlando, Florida. That's the Centuri booth. Behind the table is Bob DelPrincipe, one of the Centuri designers. The sign says: "Pre-Production Super ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Throwback Thursday Pic 5 (2016-03-17)
Here's another shot from NARAM 17 in 1975. That's Vern Estes test firing an engine in a thrust measuring device. He designed it, the company was under Gleda's name. Putting it under his wife's name ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Throwback Thursday Pic 7 (2016-06-30)
Another picture from NARAM 17. NARAMs are a great place to meet to meet vendors. On the right is Col. Howard Kuhn of Competition Model Rockets. When CMR was up and running, you'd see many of his ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Captain, she's on fire! (2016-07-25)
The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) hosts two big launches every year - the National Sport Launch (NSL) at the end of spring and NARAM in the summer. NSL is what we call a "fun fly"; ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Back To Biz-ness... (2019-08-19)
Hi, All, I haven't posted here is some time on account of being out traveling and away from the computer. Today, things have returned to normal - however that can be defined - so I can get ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Vahson Valkyrie 2 Complete! (2020-03-06)
Back Story: The first real model rocket I owned was a Vashon Valkyrie 2. In 1969 you couldn't get black powder motors in California without special permits. While I waited for the permit ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: The NAR Announces More COVID-19 Delays (2020-04-09)
From National Association of Rocketry President, John Hochheimer: NARAM 62 Update: The COVID-19 pandemic creates significant uncertainty associated with holding our planned summer events. Therefore, ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Andromeda Chrome Wrap Fix, Tips, Part 1 (2020-06-28)
My Semroc Andromeda was a pre-production kit, given to me to help produce the instructions. I got the kit at NARAM 60, almost two years ago. I built the kit without problems as I did the line ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A virtual NARAM - sort of... (2020-06-29)
The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) is adapting as best it can to the pandemic. This year, the national contest - NARAM 62 - will not be held in Geneseo, New York as planned. Instead, NAR ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Manufacturer Forum - New Products (2020-07-28)
I tried to get i n on the virtual NARAM Manufacturer's Forum last night, but the NARAM website wouldn't load! Here's some of the comments from TRF this morning from some who did see it: ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Breaking news from the rocket vendors! (Part 1) (2020-07-28)
One of the special events associated with NARCON and NARAM is the manufacturer's forum, where the rocketry vendors gather to announce new products and give us rocketeers a preview of things to come. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 2020 Manufacturer forum (2020-07-29)
The recent NARAM Virtual Manufacturer's Forum has been posted on YouTube: [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Breaking news from the rocket vendors! (Part 2) (2020-07-29)
One of the best features of the NAR manufacturer's forum is that you are exposed to new ideas and products beyond your normal hobby experience. This was the case for me and vendor #6, Cris Erving of ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Keepin' busy... (2020-08-21)
So Pegasus field is still not mowed... Weeds up to your waist make it kind of hard to fly rockets, so it looks like that will have to wait until the first HARA launch of the 2020-2021 flying season. ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: An awesome present! (2020-10-27)
Today's mail consisted of the usual junk ads and bills, with one exception - a large envelope with Ed Mitton's return address in Colorado. Ed has been in rocketry as long as I, and he was a NAR ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Getting rocket altitudes was tough in the old days... (2020-10-31)
Ed Mitton left a very interesting comment on my last post about tracking rockets with theodolites... In addition to trying to see a pretty small rocket at apogee, he reminded me of the need for ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: On the National Scoreboard... (2022-02-19)
In my post about this month's HARA launch, I talked about the NRC B eggloft altitude flights that Doug and I made. As well as providing great help and the use of his launch gear, Brian was also the ... [Read More]
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