Most Popular Rocketry Videos

MAC Performance Rocketry 4-Inch Black Fly (2018-07-07)
HED with redundant Missile Works RRC3 altimeters reporting 6,921' and 6,930'. Missile Works T3 GPS tracker. [View]

Orbital Transport Midway B6 2 Mark Laiuppa HD (2018-03-09)
Orbital Transport "Midway" B6-2 Mark Laiuppa 2018-02-10 Video by Jimmy Yawn From the official NEFAR website [View]

Estes mammoth on a CTI G107 (2018-04-07)
June 2017, smash, MMAR, JMRC joint launch [View]

Estes Bomarc Clone at CMASS 11-5-11 (2011-11-06)
Estes Bomarc Clone at CMASS rocket launch 11-5-11 I forgot to put in nose weight so it did a big 20ft loop and plowed into the ground. Some damage, but repairable. [View]

L1 Cert flight w/CRASH 2/5/17 from ground (2017-02-14)
L1 Certification flight using Estes Mammoth rocket w/ 29mm Cesaroni H-42 mellow drilled for 7 sec delay. Reached 2957' AGL and 326mph. Chute release set for 500' AGL. Taken with cell phone. [View]

Aerotech Arreauxbee Hi model rocket kit (2019-12-12) This is a short introduction and launch video of the Arreauxbee-Hi model rocket kit from Aerotech. The rocket ... [View]

Slow Motion Launches (2010-08-23)
Several launches of Estes, Quest, Aerotech, and other models in slow motion from a Casio [View]

2019 Rocket Launch Fall Shoot - Estes Pro Series Rockets (2019-10-06)
We love shooting off rockets! We tried to have a little competition, but on the first launch, we lost a rocket! Looked all over the desert for it, but it was no where to be found. Still had loads of ... [View]