Model Rocket with Strap-on Boosters

Video 1 of 167
Published:2011-05-16 19:40:22

This video shows what you can do with the Booster Vision Gear-Cam HD video camera. I mounted it on the top of a model rocket with strap-on boosters. You can see the boosters fall away and land on the ground. Come to the Apogee Components web site and see the flight footage in FULL High-Definition. Watch it in slow motion, and see how clear the image is. It is like you were on the rocket for the flight yourself. This particular rocket I built as an example of how to make strap-on rockets (called parallel staging), for my book "Model Rocket Design and Construction." See pages 252 through 256 on how the rocket was set up. This is not a kit rocket that can be purchased. It was built using some custom-made components that are described in the book. The book is available from Apogee Components at:

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