Thoughts on Nike Smoke FinsI don't have the new Estes BT-60 based Nike Smoke kit yet, I don't even know if I'll get it or not. On they have the old Centuri Nike Smoke instructions with a fin scan and ruler. I dropped the picture into Corel Draw and messed with the sizing until the 1" ruler matched a 1" ...[Read More]
Shaping Estes Nike Smoke Fins, Part 1I probably won't be doing a full build on the new Estes Nike Smoke. It's a standard build except for the scale fin shaping. These following posts will focus on the fins. Mentioned earlier, the older Centuri and Estes kits are almost the same size. The fins are also about the size. I used the ...[Read More]
Shaping Estes Nike Smoke Fins, Part 2You can't effectively shape fins like this with a sheet of sandpaper taped down to your work table. You've got to use a good sanding block. I have 220 grit stuck to my Great Planes E-Z Sander. The fins taper from 1/8" at the root edge to 1/16" at the outside edge. concentrate on this taper first. ...[Read More]
Shaping Estes Nike Smoke Fins, Part 3After the root to outside edge taper is done the leading and trailing edges are hit with a quick swipe of the black marker. The inset picture shows the pencil lines for the next tapers. On the root edge the lines are 5/8" from the top and bottom. The pencil lines are 1/8" from the top and bottom ...[Read More]
Shaping Estes Nike Smoke Fins, Part 4, Primer FillerOn a shaped fin like this one, each step helps define the sanded edge taper. The first shaping step is the balsa fin shaping with 220 grit on a block. The second step is the sanding of the CWF. The buildup of the CWF on the two raised "ridges" helps sharpen the line. The third step in ...[Read More]
Randy Gilbert's Nike Smoke FinsFrom the NAR Facebook page, Randy Gilbert responded to a post on the Estes Nike Smoke - "It is a great kit, but the fins can be difficult to sand to shape. There are other ways to mimic the appearance of the scale fins. In the method I show below, I glued a piece of cardstock to each side of ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 1, PartsThis is one everybody should have in their fleet. Classic and pointy. I've had different versions of the Nike Smoke over the years, first was the Enerjet Nike Smoke (essentially the Centuri Nike kit with a larger Enerjet engine mount) and a few of the Stine MPC Nike kits. This is my third variant, ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 2, The Enerjet Smoking Nose ConeThe original Enerjet Nike Smoke had a smoking nose cone. To see how it was done - CLICK HERE The tip of the nose cone was cut off and a BT-5 was slipped in acting as a ram-jet. During boost, the forced air pushed talcum powder out of a vent at the base of the nose cone. At this point I don't know ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 3, The Enerjet Smoking Nose ConeI used my aluminum angle to get side slot sides straight. The short end cuts were made by punching the tops and bottoms with a sharp blade tip. Punch the top corner with the sharp side down. Turn over the blade and punch cut the bottom with the sharp side up. The shock cord attachment lug will be ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 4, The Enerjet Smoking Nose ConeTwo holes are drilled into the nose cone base for a shock cord loop tie. Start the hole by spinning the tip of a #11 blade in the plastic. Use an older blade, this really dulls a new one. The hole is widened by spinning a small diamond file in the holes. One of the raised plates is cut for a smoke ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 5, Fin ObservationsLook at the low end of the fin and you can see the lighter wood tip. Some kit wood is pieced together from smaller strips. The problem is the differences in the different wood densities. It becomes a concern when you are shaping the fins. The fins are set over the full size instruction sheet ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 6, New, Harder FinsI've described how to shape this style fin in the past on the blog: ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 7, 24mm Engine MountI'm making two Nike Smoke kits, one with the standard 18mm engine mount, the other with a 24mm mount with the Enerjet smoking nose cone. First up is the 24mm engine mount. I used the kits 18mm centering rings to make 24mm rings. A D engine casing was set in the center and traced with a sharp ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 8, 24mm Engine MountI saved the ring centers from the previous step. This will become the engine block for the 24mm engine mount. These were glued together, back to back. The notches were not lined up. Here's the laminated engine block set and filleted with wood glue. It fit well and is very strong. Here's both ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 9, 18mm Engine MountThe lower centering ring is recessed inside the body tube. I can go ahead and give the inside edge a coat of CA glue. The glue fillet around the lower ring will be above the CA glue ring. TIP: When you mark the engine mount tube for the centering rings and engine hook slit, mark the tube in more ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 10, Chute Lines and Launch LugsHere we go again! I gave the shroud lines a light, quick tug and they broke too easily. I've seen broken shroud lines at club launches. These will be replaced, along with the paper reinforcement rings. The short 1/8 diameter lugs are glued onto balsa standoffs. Look on them from the side to be ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 11, Ends and EdgesOn the left is the longer Estes nose cone shoulder. The pencil mark shows how long the Centuri nose cone shoulder was. The inset picture shows the original slot cut at 1" above the tube end. The new slot marking is at the desired 1 7/8" mark from the bottom. Before painting with primer/filler I ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 12, Fin Gluing TIPOn the left is the fin root edge, looking straight on. The inset picture shows the fin outside edge looking straight on. The back corner of the fins are glued on 5/8" up from the back edge of the main air frame tube. A paper strip was taped around to make sure all four fins were set at the same ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 13, Fluorescent PaintThe entire model - fins, tube and nose cone - got an overall coat of gloss white. Next up are the fins. three are fluorescent red-orange the fourth fin is fluorescent yellow. These diamond shaped fins take a little time to mask. You have six flat side surfaces to mask. After that, three smaller ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 14, Fluorescent PaintWell, Estes did get the position of the one fluorescent yellow fin correct. With the real rocket horizontal in the cradle, the UNITED STATES is positioned below and to the right of the yellow fin, centered between two fins. TIP: Before you mask the fins you should plan ahead for the ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 15, Which Fluorescent Paint? TIPSQuestions in a comment from BAR Geezer - Hey Chris, Two questions for you: 1. Are you using Rustoleum Specialty Fluorescent paint? 2. Was the base coat on the fins the same gloss white as the rest of the rocket? I sprayed fluorescent paint on a glossy undercoat once and it slid around and cracked! ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, Part 16, DecalsThe Estes instructions show the bottom of the UNITED STATES at 6 1/4" from the rear of the body tube. I did a dry fit and that sets the decal too far forward. Looking at the Peter Alway's Rockets Of The World, the UNITED STATES is centered on the body tube. The old Centuri instructions also show ...[Read More]
Estes Nike Smoke #7247 Build, FinishedThe rubber shock cord was switched out with a longer elastic cord. It was joined to the replaceable Kevlar line from the engine mount. The parachute shroud lines broke with an easy tug. These were replaced with cotton embroidery thread. The chute got a spill hole and a snap swivel ...[Read More]
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