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Technology / Real-Time Video and Data
Model Rocket Based Projectile Mapping System

Objective: Create a system capable of mapping the flight path of a model rocket. Design: Using an IMU and a ZigBee 2.4GHz radio I was able to transmit real-time telemetry including relative heading (3-axis) and acceleration (3-axis). From this data I created a program to map the angle relative to the horizon, and the acceleration. I then integrated the acceleration to find velocity. Conclusion: While the acceleration and heading were relatively accurate, the integrated velocity and distance traveled were very inconsistent. These inconsistencies were attributed to the noise in the accelerometer and gyroscope located in the nose-cone of the rocket during free-fall as they were not nearly as apparent during the lift-off and powered flight portions of the flight path.

Author Jason Merlo
Duration 65 seconds

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