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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Mini-Shuttle

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Mini Shuttle {Kit} (1391) [1983-1988]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 1 Parts (2013-08-30)
    Here's another one that can be made from parts from the Baby Bertha kit. This was the Estes kit #1391. Check out the instructions at the JimZ plan site HERE This will be a spare parts box ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 2, Wing Gluing (2013-08-31)
    The engine mount was already assembled from another build that didn't get finished. The assembled mount is nothing out of the ordinary and should work fine in this model. I wanted the root ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 3, Nose Weight Clay (2013-09-01)
    The Estes instructions specify the clay weight is 1/2" square. I cut the square of clay to 1/2" and it weighed at .20 oz. I'll add a bit more to reach .25 oz. This is just a guess, I would think ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 4, Whoops and Fills (2013-09-02)
    WHOOPS! I glued the small rear wing piece on wrong. It was cut off, the edge sanded and glued on again. The re-drawn arrow shows the correct balsa grain direction. This 5" length of BT-60 ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 5, Fins and Decals (2013-09-03)
    The body tube and fins were shot separately with primer. Body tube was marked for three fins. The primer was sanded off the pencil lines and the lines re-drawn. Primer was sanded off the fins ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 6, Masking Prep (2013-09-04)
    The original kit had streamer recovery. With the trailing fins on this model I'll switch out for a 12" parachute. The Bertha style nose cone has a LONG shoulder. Wadding and a parachute were ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 7, Masking (2013-09-04)
    I used Scotch tape for the mask. The edges were blacked with a permanent marker so you can see it against the white background. The Scotch tape was set down first, it took a few pieces to fit ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 8, Mask Reveal and Fix (2013-09-05)
    The masking tape on the rear edge didn't give a clean line at all! Before the paint had completely set up I was able to lightly scrape the paint back with the tip of a hobby knife. The top is the ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 9, Nose Cone Mask (2013-09-05)
    The Nose Cone Decor Pattern is cut out and set on the nose cone for pencil guidelines. The sides of the nose cone get straight pieces of tape. The front of the nose cone will get an arc cut ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 10, Nose Mask Reveal and Cleanup (2013-09-06)
    After the tape was pulled up, here's the result. There was some minor bleeding at the corners, that was cleaned up pushing it back with the knife blade tip. There was one spot where the ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Build. Part 11, Decals (2013-09-06)
    As it turns out, I got the black mask wrong at the front of the body where it meets the black under the nose cone. The black line should go straight and not be stepped. The mask ridge was lightly ... [Read More]

    Estes Mini Shuttle Finished (2013-09-08)
        Another good use for a Baby Bertha kit! The build was easy enough but the masking wasn't. This is one of those rockets where the decals really make the model. The ... [Read More]