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Flight Log - 2014-07-13 - Michael Freedman's Talon 2
Flight Date: 2014-07-13
Rocket Name: Talon 2
Kit Name: Giant Leap Rocketry - Talon 2 {Kit}
Flyer's Name: Michael Freedman
Motors: G57-6 CTI
Wind Speed: 18.00 mph
Launch Site: Pine Island, NY (METRA)

Too windy and the corn was high.  I should have aborted, but went ahead and lost it in the cornfield.  I looked for about a half hour...should have looked longer and asked for help.  Received a call from METRA president who found the rocket.  He rightfully chewed me out a bit about losing the rocket since he found it relatively easily.  He expressed how much damage a rocket can do to farming equipment.  A lesson well-learned... thank you Randy.

1CTI 108G57-12A-6


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