Michael Brigham's PageAKA: Space Centurion Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Biography: I'm a 2nd time BAR, and this time out of control. It also doesn't help that I have 3 kids whom I use as an excuse to buy rockets. :-)
Favorite Quote: "The rocket will free man from his remaining chains, the chains of gravity which still tie him to this planet. It will open to him the gates of heaven." - Wernher Von Braun
"Up in smoke, that's where my money goes!!" - Tommy Chong
Personal Home Page: http://mikeysrocketbuilding.blogspot.ca/2016/09/welcome-to-my-blog-about-model-rocketry.html RocketReviews.com Pages:
2015-11-29Helicat (original) Flight Flew very well, recovery deployed properly. Recovered ok. Perfect flight. - C6-5 - Gage Park, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada [More]
Flip Flyer  Flight Maiden flight. Flew very well. Recovery as expected, heli blades opened nicely, and nose cone came down by parachute. Each landed about 30 feet downrange, and about 5 feet from each other. Sadly we lost one of the pins keeping the heli blade attached, shouldn't be too hard to replicate something. ... [More]
| Michael Brigham |