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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Mercury Redstone (1921)

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Mercury Redstone {Kit} (1921) [1984-1990,2015-]

    Estes Mercury Capsule (2015-01-20)
    From the 1964 Estes catalog: This picture is from a recent Ebay "Lot" listing. I'd never seen the capsule before. The printed graphics weren't much! It's missing the rear balsa "heat shield" ... [Read More]

    Incorrect Decals in the Estes Mercury Redstone Kit? Pre-Build (2015-07-04)
    Before I get started on this post: Understand I don't want to nit-pick. I was excited to finally get the Centuri sized Mercury Redstone, re-issued by Estes. The detail on the Centuri plastic capsule ... [Read More]

    Estes Mercury Redstone Kit Decal Fix (2015-07-18)
    On the inside front cover of the July/August issue of Sport Rocketry is the new Estes full page ad. Look close at the inset picture. The MR7 decals have been replaced with MR8 decals. This might ... [Read More]

    New Estes Mercury Redstone Kit Run (2016-01-20)
    I had heard that Estes corrected the decals on the Mercury Redstone kit. I saw the new kit run yesterday at Hobby Lobby. The face card is now a black background, much like the Saturn V (#2157) and ... [Read More]

    Estes Mercury Redstone Capsule Tip (2021-02-23)
    When I assembled my Mercury Redstone capsules -  I scraped and turned a small file to remove paint from the gluing "dimples" in the upper ring. (Shown at the right) With the paint removed ... [Read More]