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![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152231th527.jpg) | @NASA Mars Science Lab - Curiosity Rover Launch - Banana Creek (2012-02-02) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) Credit: Honeybee Robotics - Launch video of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft, including the Curiosity Rover. Banana Creek viewing site - Cape Canaveral, Florida November 26, 2011, 10:02am. Honeebee Robotics is responsible for the SAM Sample Manipulation System & turret mounted Dust Removal Tool. Visit: HoneybeeRobotics.com
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152215th620.jpg) | ContourGPS 1080p - Williams Australia from 12100ft (2011-08-07) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) Initial footage of Mike Passaretti's Tripoli level three high power rocket certification flight in Williams, Australia on August 6th 2011. Footage was obtained using a ContourGPS HD action camera mounted inside the rocket's nose cone. Motor used was an Aerotech M1297
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152219th689.jpg) | DON'T DEBATE THIS (2011-10-22) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) Inspired by, quote: "My view on this is of a more simple way. The rules of equilibrium constant. The world likes to be ballanced. If preassure is applying on a force to such a rate the changes in pressure around the object will be such that it will try and keep the item equil. This creates vibrations resignating throught the object. The resignating frequency and the matirials tendancy to resignate will change the rate of vibrations from preassure. So in summary lead will vibrate with a higher frequency but require more energy and wood will vibrate easier but have a lower frequency max. Its all about the matirial the configuration of the matirial with the maluable and ductile properties creating a resignating frequency to release the bonds causing a fracture or shred at the weakest point. At a certain point design stops. All you can do is ensure its the best to have the strongest point at the highest stress point and reduce the load on the weak points. Also ability to control wind flow around the object through design may help however I dont think its too much of a use in a rocketry design application much to effect rockets easily reaching mach 1. Practical applications to the above in case your confused. 1: Matirials are important. - A potato will not have the stability to go mach 1 the bonds in the item can not take the preassure. 2: Design is not everything - A potato designed for the best aerodynamics will still not go mach 1 however carbon fibre could with enough ...
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152225th706.jpg) | GPS Parachute Steering for Rockets (2011-10-22) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) Prototype "Guided Payload Recovery" system - servo testing. First test flight scheduled for September 4th, 2011 in Grass Valley, Western Australia (Tripoli WA/ CGN Rocketry Launch).
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152219th834.jpg) | Guided Payload Recovery Project - Test Flights (2012-02-02) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) First test flights of the Guided Payload Recovery (GPR) Project. The purpose of these tests were to verify functionality of the mechanism/electronics as well as the performance of the launch vehicle and recovery configuration. For more information please visit: http://mikepassaretti.com
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152216th458.jpg) | High Power Rocket Level Three Certification Attempt - M1297 (2014-01-17) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) Mike Passaretti's level three certification attempt at the 3rd annual Williams Wildfire Westernationals in Western Australia on June 5th 2011. Rocket is a scratch built design "Aerobi 1" flying on an Aerotech M1297. Apogee was reported to be ~13100 ft, calculated peak accel. 23 g, peak velocity 900 mph. The rocket landed under only the drogue parachute, there was no main deployment. The vehicle has been repaired and a second attempt is scheduled for August 6th 2011. Video Credits: George Katz & Shane Miles
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152216th532.jpg) | High Powered Rocket Test Flight (2011-07-02) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) Successful test flight of Michael Passaretti's L3 rocket 'Aerobi 1' on an Aerotech K700. Flight took place at the first CGN Rocketry, Grass Valley, WA launch of the 2011 season. Reported altitude 6983 feet AGL.
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152231th594.jpg) | L3 Rocket Ejection Charge Testing (2011-10-22) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) A video compilation of all ground tests performed to date for my level three certification rocket "Aerobi 1." The test were conducted in South Perth, Western Australia. The cameraman was wearing a bomb suit, so please don't be alarmed by his proximity and position relative to the equipment in test.
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152218th306.jpg) | Red Glare XII - Aerobi 1 Ascent - K1100T (2012-07-22) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) Red Glare 12, Sunday April 15th. Flight footage (ascent) via a Contour GPS HD camera mounted in the nosecone of my 4" "Aerobi 1" rocket. Motor was a Aerotech K1100T, Apogee 4800ft AGL.
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152218th368.jpg) | Red Glare XII - Aerobi 1 Descent - K1100T (2012-07-22) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) Red Glare 12, Sunday April 15th. Flight footage (descent) via a Contour GPS HD camera mounted in the nosecone of my 4" "Aerobi 1" rocket. Motor was a Aerotech K1100T, Apogee 4800ft AGL.
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152218th228.jpg) | Red Glare XII - SM-XMR on a Aerotech M1297 (2012-06-10) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) Flight #2 of my scratch-built SM-XMR rocket on an Aerotech M1297W
![](images/resized/vthumb-202501152219th305.jpg) | Standard Missile Rocket Maiden Flight - MDRA ESL#166 (2012-06-27) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/fullstar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) ![](images/nostar.gif) Maiden flight of my scratch-built "SM-XMR SAM" 6" diameter, 8.5ft tall, 35lb rocket. Motor is an Aerotech M1500G. Footage was obtained with a ContourGPS HD downward facing camera in the nose cone. Launch date is March 10th 2012, Higgs Farm - Price, Maryland. MDRA Eastern Shore Launch #166.