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Flight Log - 2010-06-20 - Matthew Bond's 1.77x Upscale Duster "Slick Willy"

An upscaled Thrustline Duster, using Semroc body tubes and nose cone, 1/8" plywood fins, 38mm motor mount.  Dual deploy using a Perfectflight MAWD, 12" Top Flite drogue chute, and a 36" hemispherical main by Spherachutes.  My level 1 certification rocket.

Flight Date: 2010-06-20
Rocket Name: 1.77x Upscale Duster "Slick Willy"
Kit Name: Scratch - Upscale Duster {Scratch}
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: H170-ALTIM
Launch Site: MC2
Actual Altitude: 2,913 Feet

Awesome flight on a new AT H170 Metalstorm motor.  Originally planned to be a drag race between this rocket and my son's Binder Design Bat on a CTI H180 Sparkie.  Then as the LCO was going through a long involved monologe about how hard it was to set up the controler to do drag races my son's rocket roared off the pad... point made.  Great boost, straight, fast and high, the new AT sparkies are very nice, different than other sparkies out there which makes for more options which I like. Good drogue deployment at apogee, shock cord looped around one of the forward fins but didn't affect the recovery at all. Good main deployment at 500 feet. Grass landing, no damage.

1Aerotech H170M-ALTIM


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