Flight Log - 2018-10-28 - Matthew Bond's 2.70x Upscale Wolverine

An upscale of the classic Estes Wolverine based on standard LOC 2.63" tubing.  Rocket has a 29mm motor mount with an AeroPac retainer.  Fins are made from 1/8" plywood, with the main fins being TTW to the motor mount.  Nose cone was constructed from an ogive balsa cone with the distinctive canopy carved from a separate balsa block.  Recovery system uses a 1/8" flat woven Kevlar shock cord epoxied to the motor mount and tied to a large screw eye in the nose cone shoulder.  Either a 24" or 30" spherachute is used based on the field conditions.  Rocket is finished in a silver metallic paint with the usual outstanding vinyl decals provided by StickerShock.

Flight Date: 2018-10-28
Rocket Name: 2.70x Upscale Wolverine
Kit Name: Estes - Wolverine {Kit} (816) [1973-1979]
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: G53-7
Expected Altitude: 1,435 Feet
Wind Speed: 5.00 mph
Launch Site: Bama Blastoff 2018

Since the parachute was still perfectly prepped from the last flight, and since I had several more Aerotech 29/40-120 motors prepped and ready to go, I popped a new motor into the Wolverine and put it back up.  Another nice boost, smooth and straight off the rod, the Black Jack motors are really nice in this bird.  Rocket stalled out nose up and was just starting to fall over when the ejection charge went off.  Good separation and descent with the Jolly Logic Chute Release (which was definitely powered on this time).  Good chute deploy at 500 feet, landed on the field, no damage.

1Aerotech G53FJ-7


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