Flight Log - 2012-03-10 - Matthew Bond's 2.13x Upscale Zack Attack "Bad Zack"
Flight Date: 2012-03-10
Rocket Name: 2.13x Upscale Zack Attack "Bad Zack"
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: G54-9
Expected Altitude: 2,720 Feet
Wind Speed: 13.00 mph
Launch Site: ROC
Actual Altitude: 2,477 Feet

One last flight for the day as the winds picked up.  Long burn CTI red motor.  Quick off the rod, pretty pronounced arcing flight.  Lost track of it in the high thin clouds after burnout.  Didn't see the ejection event, couldn't tell if it was early, late or on time.  Picked up the dark chute easily after deployment, rocket was moving pretty good up high.  Long walk, lakebed landing, no damage.  Liner was fused to the case in several places, same as when I flew the long burn white motor.  Starting to dislike the CTI 29mm long burns.

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