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Matthew Bond

AKA: Buckaroo

Location: Niceville, FL

Certification Level: L3 NAR/Tripoli

Club Memberships: NAR, Tripoli

Favorite Rockets: Estes - Starblazer X-20


Grew up building and flying Estes rockets in the 70s and 80s.  Took a break from rocketry for college/job/marriage/kids/mortgage/etc.  Started back into rocketry when my kids were old enough.  Been in and out several times since then.  Discovered high power rocketry in 2009 with the Music City Missile Club in Manchester, Tennessee.  Got my L1 at Southern Thunder in June 2009 flying a scratch built upscale of a Thrustline Duster.  Got my L2 in May 2010 with an upscaled Estes Super Neon.  Moved to SoCal in 2010 and had a great couple of years flying with the ROC crowd in Lucerne Valley, CA.  Moved to the Florida panhandle in 2012 and am currently flying with the Southeast Alabama Rocketry Society.  Made the trek to Argonia, KS for Airfest XXI in September 2015 and got my L3 flying a Madcow Frenzy XL kit on a Cesaroni M1540-IMax.  My low power fleet/build pile still outnumbers my high power projects many times over but the bigger builds are slowly taking over my time and attention (not to mention my wallet).

Favorite Quote:

Luke:  I... I don't believe it!

Yoda:  sighs... That... is why you fail.

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