Flight Log - 2012-03-17 - Mark Rose's Performance Rocketry Competitor 3

Used Aeropack Tailcone motor retainer and SCR airfoiled rail guides--compliment the sleek lines nicely while not hurting Aero one bit.  Perfectflite Stratologger altimeter with a Featherweight Altimeters screw switch and small Blastcaps on each av-bay end.  Added 16oz weight to the nose, and shouldn't have--it didn't need it.

Flight Date: 2012-03-17
Rocket Name: Performance Rocketry Competitor 3
Flyer's Name: Mark Rose
Expected Altitude: 5,903 Feet
Launch Site: Tripoli Vegas
Actual Altitude: 7,482 Feet

Another flight that beat the Rocksim simulation by a large margin--have had to crank the Cd in RS9 down to 0.40 to get the simulations inline with how it's flying.  I attribute this to airfoiled fins, airfoiled rail guides (SCR), and the Aeropack tailcone motor retainer.  Solid, quick boost right out of sight--didn't see it again until the main came out almost a mile away.

1Gorilla I392BL


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