Kits / Madcow / Tomach
MadCow ToMach Level 2 Certification Flight 20170701 4CRA

National Association of Rocketry Level 2 Certification flight at the 4CRA monthly launch. The rocket is a MadCow 2.6" Fiberglass ToMach with an extended nose cone to hold a GoPro. Flight was on a 38mm Aerotech J350. Apogee was ~5220'. (Stratologger #1 reported 5227, and #2 reported 5186', model predicted 5230', and TeleGPS reported 5743'. (!) Thanks to Richard Doolin for one of the launch video clips. And a last note - I lost that little screwdriver I used to turn off the camera at the end. I have the GPS coordinates though.

 Rocketry Club: 4 Corners Rocketry Association

Author Charles Hakes
Duration 163 seconds

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