Motors / Aerotech / H180
Madcow Rocketry - Sport X - Aerotech H180w

Sending up the 3" Sport X on an Aerotech H-180 white lightning. Apogee right around 2,500ft. Onboard cam is a caddx turtle v2 powered by a small 2s lipo. Could have used a second or two longer on delay.(drilled it for 10sec) Recovered with a 30" centerline reefed military surplus parachute from Thanks to SARA (Southern Arizona Rocketry Association) for providing launch equipment and hosting these great launches!

 Rocketry Product: Aerotech - H180W Reload for RMS 29/240 {Motor}

 Rocketry Club: Southern Arizona Rocketry Association

Author Wij designs
Duration 94 seconds

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