Rocketry Product: Rocket Vision - Mach Buster
Rocket Dungeon: Mach Buster 2.0 (2017-05-06)Most of you won't remember Rocket Vision and their line of 'Rugged Rockets' . I only bought the Machbuster (I regret not buying more of them), which was a slightly over minimum-diameter ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mach Buster 2.0, part 2 (2017-05-07)This was a nice, simple one day build. Less painting, of course. I noted the foil-lined 24mm tube is very, very snug in the Garolite body. Since a tape thrust ring or reload closure will push on the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mach Buster 2,0, part 3 (2017-05-10)I had been pondering whether I should buy a set of decals from Stickershock (available, but not on their website last I checked). However, I had time to work on it today and I decided just to ... [Read More]