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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Motors / Aerotech / M1350
Amateur Rocketeers Reach For The Stars - KQED QUEST (2012-04-25)
For decades amateur rocket builders, or "rocketeers," have been aiming their rockets towards space. Now with advances in materials and technology, they're actually able to get there. QUEST travels ... [View]
Black Brant II - Aerotech M1350W - Level 3 Certification (2020-09-07)
Check out the build report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r0Hnc7RmNRo_m5fbuHCETpOtzUFY-9dU/view?usp=sharing Motor: Aerotech M1350W Max Altitude: 10,483 ft Max Velocity: 1330 ft/sec (907 ... [View]
Painkiller Max (Paul X2) on Aerotech M1350, L3 cert flight (2018-03-23)
Tampa Tripoli launch Varn Ranch Plant City, FL 3/17/18 Nice flight but rocket landed in swamp, very difficult recovery [View]
TTRA May 2019 M1350 Rocket Launch (2019-05-19)
Launch and recovery of a high power rocket built by Leo V. using an M1350 motor. Tripoli Tampa monthly launch in May 2019 [View]