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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / MPC / Kits / Lunar Patrol

     Rocketry Product: MPC - Lunar Patrol {Kit} (R-215) [1969-1978]

    PML Lunar Express Build, Part 7, Fin Slot Fill (2017-04-09)
    The two smaller, opposing fin slots were cut just a bit long. This will need some sort of fill. Epoxy would drip and run into the slot and might take three or four runny applications to fill it. ... [Read More]

    PML Lunar Express Build, Part 11, Launch Lugs (2017-04-11)
    There are two 1/4" diameter brass launch lugs on the model. They are set on the bottom, side by side. Both lug ends are pre-cut at a 45 degree angle. Straight pencil lines were made using my ... [Read More]