Luke McConoughey's Pages:
2023-03-31Custom Flight Perfect flight - K1100 - MDRA ESL [More]
2023-03-04Custom Flight K1100 - MDRA ESL [More]
Custom Flight Excessive spin combined with the main parachute being packed inside out resulted in one fin being damaged. - K1100 - MDRA ESL [More]
2023-02-04Custom Flight Perfect flight - K1100 - MDRA ESL [More]
2022-10-15Carrot2 Flight K610 - URRG [More]
2022-10-08Carrot2  Flight K2045 - MDRA ESL [More]
2022-06-11Katana  Flight Perfect flight - L2 Certification flight - J250 - MDRA ESL [More]
| Luke McConoughey |