Leon Smith's PageClub Memberships: Tripoli RocketReviews.com Pages:
2013-08-10Tapping the sky Flight A Perfect Level 3 Certification Flight - Cesaroni M1810RL - North Branch, MN [More]
2013-07-24Striker Flight motor chugged a bit on the pad but ignited and took off, unfortunately the ejection charge did not go off and lawn darted. rocket is total loss. - Aerotech F24-7W delay cut to 5 - Ramsey, MN [More]
Patriot 2.6 Flight Motor Chugged and did not ignite right away, problems with the aerotech spacer system. parachute deployed around 25 feet, slight chip in side of nosecone fiberglass, can be fixed with epoxy. - Aerotech G-61W - Ramsey, MN [More]
2012-10-20Momba Flight Great flight, jumped off the pad - Aerotech G64-10W - North Branch, MN [More]
Prissy Crissy Flight Great flight......dual deployment worked flawlessly - Cesaroni J330 Classic - North Branch, MN [More]
Striker Flight Great flight, but lost payload section upon deployment of recovery system, got the booster section back. - Aerotech H-128W - North Branch, MN [More]
Super Big Bertha Flight Motor Cato, dont know what happened. - H128-8 - North Branch, MN [More]
Fat Momma Flight Good flight. - Aerotech F24-7W - North Branch, MN [More]
2012-09-08Big Blue  Flight Perfect flight...finally....level 2 certified - J290 - North Branch, MN [More]
2012-08-11Big Blue Flight Main chute did not deploy - J285 - North Branch, MN [More]
| Leon Smith |