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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

Rocket Dungeon Posts

Other Rocketry / Toys / Lego

    LEGO my rockets (2010-03-18)
    Rockets 5 , originally uploaded by Ty Keltner . So, what glue do you use if you want to fly these? [Read More]

    Legos, they aren't just for rocketry anymore (2011-04-05)
    [Read More]

    Review: Zoomie P-51D (2011-10-04)
    Recently, TRF user Daddyisabar posted a thread on his Estes SpaceShipOne to P-40E kit bash.  I am a big fan of the SpaceShipOne as a subject for kit bashing (ref. the Goonball XL5 and ... [Read More]

    Pick one from Column A and one from Column B... (2011-11-15)
    Scott Lowther presents this McDonald Douglas graphic on Shuttle options (circa 1971).  He refers this to a 'Lego' approach.  What popped into my mind was the old adage about Chinese food ... [Read More]

    Feed reader stars, tweets and other interesting links (2012-03-08)
    Proving the Principle - A History of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory  - High Power Rocketry Blog follower and fellow rocketeer Sascha pointed me to:  ... [Read More]

    Old electronics magazines... (2012-03-30)
    I dug up two ancient copies of EDN magazine - one dated November 20, 1976 and one dated October 14, 1981. EDN was a trade magazine that, despite having a cover price, was free to those in ... [Read More]

    Sport Rocketry May/June 2013 (2013-05-10)
    As you can see, the issue starts with a sparky launch by Steve Jurvetson. There are a lot of articles in this issue. The lead article, by Peter Alway, is about Mexico's SCT-1. As you would expect, ... [Read More]

    Full-scale LEGO X-Wing! (2013-05-28)
    This is the world's largest LEGO build: 32 model builders, 5.3 million LEGO bricks, and over 17,000 hours. Lego Times Square , a photo by AndrewDallos on Flickr. [Read More]

    Solar Probe Plus LEGO Model (2013-09-16)
    Pictured is the winner of NASA's LEGO building competition, the Sunbeam by HOSHPUP (the builders alias on LEGO's ReBrick site).  This is a artistic interpretation of NASA's Solar Probe Plus , ... [Read More]