High Power Rocketry Posts
LDRS 16 Video (2007-07-23)Great video of some flights from LDRS - one of the biggest national high power events during the year. If you cant watch all 8:00 of this video, skip to the last 45 sec. to see a pretty great ... [Read More]
Crash landing at LDRS 29 (2010-06-26)"Seismic rocket launch at LDRS 29 at Lucerne dry lake, California June 13, 2010. 29 pound rocket on a L850. The main chute charge went off at 500 feet, but the charge was not strong enough to eject ... [Read More]
The history of LDRS and modern HPR (2012-06-27)"The LDRS story actually got started a number of years before the first LDRS was held in a northern Ohio farm field. Here's how it began..." Click here to hear the rest of the story. ... [Read More]
To 100K (2009-01-03)At all times, there are a baker's dozen rocketry projects from teams and individuals on the edge between level 3 high power, and amateur rocketry. Many of them are attempting flights to near space or ... [Read More]
Two stage Nike Corona (2010-04-14)"Edited video from an amateur rocket launch outside Amarillo Texas (LDRS 25) in June of 2006. The rocket featured is two stages, 17ft. tall, and weighs ~130lbs at takeoff. It has flown twice ... [Read More]
"Sweet Sixteen Dragrace" (2010-06-17)This is one source for the J1999N story. I am not sure this is the picture we need to show to the world, now that the BATF is (correctly) off our backs. There seem to be a ton of shreds at LDRS this ... [Read More]
N3300R onboard footage to 17,000 ft. (2010-06-19)"Superfluous Launch 6 at LDRS 29 on 6/13/2010 Motor Aerotech N3300R Max Altitude 17764 ft G-Wiz, 17767 RRC2 Max Speed 1427 ft/sec (mach 1.3) Max Acceleration 16G Above Mach from 2.5 to 7.8 seconds ... [Read More]
N 10,000 videos (2010-11-11)"Greg launches 4 inch dia. carbon fiber rocket using Cesaroni N10000 V-Max 98mm motor. (Mach 1 at 700 feet and Mach 2 around 1100 AGL)" "Jack Garibaldi and James Dougherty duke it out at ... [Read More]
Four stage rocket - Comanche 4 (2012-04-17)"This flew at LDRS 29 in June 2010. Total length was 25 feet, 110 lbs. on the pad. Used all Cesaroni motors, starting with a M-2505, K-1085, K-1085, and an L-995 in the 4th stage. Unfortunately, the ... [Read More]
Just back from DC - The USA Science & Engineering Festival (2012-04-30)I have been away this week at the USA Science and Engineering Festival. This is a giant (ca. 3,000 exhibitor) festival that takes place in the equally giant DC convention center A - C halls. Much ... [Read More]
Ethics of Building and Launching HPR (2012-12-06)"I am currently a college student and one of my courses is having a discussion on ethics this week. I am wondering what precautions are taken by RSOs to ensure everything is safe. What happens if an ... [Read More]