Larry Zeilmann's Pages:
2011-10-22ESS Raven Flight Perfect flight, good chute, no damage. - D12-3 - Bodenheimer Farm [More]
USS America Flight Perfect flight, good chutes, no damage. - D12-3 - Bodenheimer Farm [More]
2006-03-18Outlander Flight Burn through shock cord, major damage, brocken legs, being repaired - D12-3 [More]
ACME SpitFire Flight Perfect flight, good chute, motor kicked slightly, no damage. - C11-3 [More]
2005-06-18Snap Shot Flight Perfect flight, good chute, no damage. - C6-5 [More]
Snap Shot Flight Perfect flight, good chute, no damage. - B4-2 [More]
Outlander Flight Perfect flight, good chute, low altitude, no damage. - C11-3 [More]
ACME SpitFire Flight Super Stable, striped the kit 16" chute, Broken Fin, repaired. - C11-3 [More]
2004-06-10Clone E.S.S. Raven (Kit)  Review
Over a period of seven months, I have been busy cloning a set of truly classic Centuri kits. Finally, the ESS Raven represents the last installment in my endeavor to bring back to life all four of these amazing Centuri Super Kits .
The ESS Raven is a single stage model rocket that recovers ... [More]
2004-04-16Centuri UFO Invader (Kit)  Review
The UFO Invader represents my third attempt at cloning one of the four
available Centuri Super kits. Like all the Super kits, the UFO Invader is a
single stage model rocket that recovers with a dual parachutes in a unique
level configuration. The original kit was classified as a ... [More]
2004-02-01Semroc Laser-X (Kit)  Review
As described by Semroc owner Carl McLawhorn; "a retro reproduction of an
out-of-production model rocket kit." Otherwise, A.K.A. Centuri's Laser-X.
In simpler terms; this is a single stage 18mm futuristic clone of the often
coveted Centuri Laser-X kit that recovers on a ... [More]
2004-01-23Laser-X Flight Perfect flight, good chute, broken fin repaired. - B6-4 [More]
2003-12-01Centuri S.S.V. Scorpion (Kit)  Review
Single stage model rocket that recovers with a dual parachutes in a unique
level configuration.
Almost a year or more ago I downloaded the instructions for Centuri's
S.S.V. Scorpion from the JimZ web site. Of course I thought it was one of the
most impressive kits from the ... [More]
2003-10-20Estes Star Trek Starship Enterprise (Kit)  Review Single Stage 18mm Model rocket that commemorates the 25th anniversary of Star Trek . Rocket recovers via a single 18" plastic parachute.
This kit comes with a quite extensive parts listing, many of which are unique to the kit. Therefore, this kit would be very difficult to clone. I will list ... [More]
2003-09-20Estes Patrol Cruiser Excalibur (Kit)  Review This is a single staged, futuristic style clone of the Estes Out of Production (OOP) kit from the Galactic Pirate series. It flies on a single 18mm motor and recovers on a single 18" plastic Estes chute.
Instructions for this kit are available on JimZ's web site at ... [More]
2003-06-01The Launch Pad Nike Ajax MIM-3A (Kit)  Review
The Nike Ajax is a personal favorite of mine, and I have wanted to build this
kit since I first became aware of its existence. Unfortunately, It
appears to be a rarely available kit that commands a healthy price if you are
fortunate enough to come across one. Prices ... [More]
2002-08-10Silver Comet Flight Perfect flight, good chute, no damage. - D12-3 [More]
2001-11-03Estes Prowler (Kit)  Review This is a skill level 1 rocket with simple construction that makes great stable flights.
Kit includes:
3 12" BT60 body tubes
3 balsa die cut fins from 3/32 balsa
2 BT60 tube couplers
1 PNC60NA Nose Cone
36" of 1/4 elastic shock cord
6" of white BT20 motor tube
1 Engine ... [More]
2001-08-12Estes Mars Snooper (Clone)  Review B rief: This is a single stage futuristic classic from Estes that I cloned from plans off Jim Z's web site. Is powered by a single 18mm motor and recovers on a single 18" parachute.
1 Sheet of 3/32 balsa 6"x8.5" to cut fins from.
1 BT20 Upper Body Tube 6.5"
1 BT20 Motor Tube 3.75" ... [More]
0000-00-00Centuri U.S.S. America (Kit)  Review
This represents my second cloning of the four available Centuri Super kits.
Like all the Super kits, the USS America is a single stage model rocket that
recovers with a dual parachutes in a unique level configuration. The original
kit was classified as a skill level 3 kit.
As ... [More]
Quest Aurora (Kit)  Review
( Contributed - by Larry Zeilmann) Brief:
This is a Booster glider Level 3 construction. The booster returns by
Booster: 12" BT50 tube with a 4-fin plastic fin case (1 fin is removed
during construction) and plastic nose cone. Two cardboard centering rings ... [More]
| Larry Zeilmann |