Blast From The Past: NAR 60 Year Reunion, Part 4 - Something For Us Glider Nuts (2018-08-07)At the NAR reunion, there were several display tables lined up against one of the meeting room walls that contained a lot of very interesting models, photos, and artifacts from the early days of ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Wolverine Downscale "HOW TO" Pt.1 (2010-09-23)UPCOMING PROJECT - I've been away from home for the past three days and have been posting some Little Joe II steps that have been saved earlier. Until I get back home tonight, here's something I've ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Model Profile, Semroc Hawk (2014-07-17)This is the Semroc Hawk, based on the 1965 AMROCS kit, designed by Larry Renger. Larry Renger also designed the similar Estes Falcon boost glider. I flew this ... [Read More]