Larry Yaney's Page2012-06-17Corkscrew Flight Nice twisting flight. Put frog paratrooper in and both rocket and froger survived unscathed. - C6-5 - Gladden Farms Marana,AZ [More]
SPEV Flight Maiden voyage. Slow take off straight low altitude flight with good chute deployment. Next time will be a C6 engine - B6-4 - Gladden Farms Marana,AZ [More]
Manta Bomber  Flight Great maiden flight. Flight path was slightly arching. good chute deployment. Missed on trying to catch rocket subsequently one pod poped off. A little glue will fix the damage! - C6-3 - Gladden Farms Marana,AZ [More]
2012-04-21SR71 Blackbird Flight Nice Flight. This is my youngest sons favorite plane. Was first time he got to see our model fly.
Great flight no issues - C6-5 - Sonoita, AZ [More]
Prowler Flight Comeback flight for this rocket. First time flown a few years ago it had a nice curving flight and ejection charge went off just before hitting pavement. Crushed body tube. We trimmed damaged tube off. So now it is a foot shorter than the original model but none the worse for wear.
This flight ... [More]
Scorpius Flight As usual with this rocket it was a nice smooth flight with a catch at recovery time. Not bad for a 30 year old rocket!! - C6-5 - Sonoita, AZ [More]
Corkscrew Flight First flight after 6 year hiatus from flying rockets. Good flight-shock cord broke, rocket landed unscathed. My son was worried about cows trampling rocket when retrieving. - C6-5 - Sonoita, AZ [More]
| Larry Yaney |