Rocketry Videos

By krustyclown42

18mm Art Applewhite Saucer (2008-05-09)
18mm Art Applewhite saucer on an Estes C6. [View]

Camera Rocket - 1st Flight - Onboard Video (2009-12-07)
1st Flight of Camera Rocket Onboard Video - Taken with "Gum stick" camera mounted in the forward payload bay. Flight on an Estes C6-5 motor. [View]

Marsboy's 2 Stage Rocket Launch (2009-05-23)
Marsboy's 2 stage rocket flying on an Estes D12 & E9 at the Dandenong Wetlands on May 23, 2009. The booster was quite tight into the base of the sustainer and didn't drop away immediately during ... [View]

Scratch-built 2.6x Upscale Estes C6-5 motor rocket (2009-03-09)
Scratch-built 2.6x Upscale Estes C6-5 motor rocket. Launched on an Estes C6-5 motor. [View]

Videos by krustyclown42 at YouTube