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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Tools / Knives

    New Knife (2012-10-24)
    I usually buy my #11 blades on sale in a 100 pack, that many will normally last me 1 1/2 years. But, my normal source for the blades hasn't had a sale on them in a while. I'd used break-off blade ... [Read More]

    Why A Break-Off Blade Knife? (2017-02-21)
    Think about it. When do you normally change a #11 X-Acto blade? When the tip breaks off. Did you ever notice the edge below the broken tip seems sharp? 90% of knife use in rocket building is cutting ... [Read More]

    Knife Blade Thickness? TIP (2017-02-23)
    Kit instructions sometimes tell you to simply use a straight edge when cutting out fins or card stock. Simply setting a the strait edge along the cut line doesn't account for the thickness of ... [Read More]

    #11 Blades - CHEAP! (2019-02-17)
    From TRF, Frederocket found some cheap #11 style blades -   " If looking for #11 blades, try the link below. The blades are made in the USA by a company in NJ called TECHNI-EDGE, ... [Read More]

    Well, I've Never Seen This Before! (2019-07-23)
    Isn't it a "Right Of Passage?" We've all cut our fingers with a hobby knife. Practice makes close! The more experience you have, the less we cut our fingers. Years back at the Print Shop I heard a ... [Read More]

    Tools - The Essentials, The Hobby Knife, Part 1 (2019-10-23)
    We're going back to basics to show some of my favorite rocket building tools. There are PLENTY of variants available. These are my favorites, the "Go-Tos" if you will. Who knows, you might save some ... [Read More]

    Tools - The Essentials, The Hobby Knife Blade, Part 2 (2019-10-24)
    They aren't kidding when they say their blades are "surgically sharp!" I couldn't count the many times I have cut my fingers. TIP: Keep Band-aids at your work bench! For years I removed and ... [Read More]

    Tools - The Essentials, The Hobby Knife Alternative, Part 3 (2019-10-25)
    X-Acto #1 handles are dangerous - They roll! Years back I worked in a print shop doing old-school paste-up on a slanted drawing table. One day a heard a scream. Another artist ended up at the ... [Read More]

    Tools - The Essentials, The Hobby Knife Alternative, Part 4 Changing The Blade (2019-10-26)
    I realize most would know how to change out one of these knives. But for those who haven't used one before - On the left is a dull blade tip. Notice the diagonal break-off scored lines. On the ... [Read More]

    One Dull - One Sharp! TIP (2019-11-13)
    I have one #1 X-Acto handle. I usually keep two blades handy, one dull with a broken tip and a second, new sharp blade. I switch back and forth between the two blades. The dull one on the left is ... [Read More]