Kevin Smith's PageAKA: Fleetdog Location: Clarksburg,md Club Memberships: NAR,NARHAMS Maryland,NOVAAR,Northern Virgina Favorite Rockets: To many to mention Biography: Been Building and flying rockets on and off since 1995. Since joining a club I have really
gotten into it. Currently have 45 rockets in my fleet. Am I crazy or what. I enjoy building
painting and flying. Not into the technical details. Just the joy of building and launching.
Oh yea recovery is the icing on the cake
Favorite Quote: Always be yourself,
Because the people
That matter don't mind
And the ones that mind
Don't Matter
Club Home Page: Pages:
2024-03-16Majestic Flight Nominal flight - +F24-4 - Tampa Bay Rocketry Association [More]
2023-08-19Majestic Flight Good flight. Chute release at 400'. Had trouble finding rocket. It ended up being closer than I thought. - F39-9 - Spaceport Rocketry Association [More]
2017-02-11Forte Flight Great Flight, chute release used. 867 feet, 154 MPH, 5.3G, Decent 19 MPH, Duration 38 sec. - G38-4FJ - The Plains, VA [More]
Ecclecktic Bad Bee Flight alt. 1292 Ft, 229 MPH, 7.2G, Decent 16 MPH, duration 57.2. Chute release set 400 ft. - G38-4FJ - The Plains, VA [More]
Integrator  Flight Great Flight, maiden run of Chute Release. 705 Ft, 155MPH, 5.9G, decent speed 11MPH, 40 second flight duration, chute release set at 400ft. Worked great - G79-7W - The Plains, VA [More]
2016-10-31Bounty Hunter Flight Late fall day launch great straigt flight. 868 ft, 157 MPH, 5.9 g's, decent 11 MPH,
duration 55.8 Sec - G38-4FJ - The Plains, VA [More]
2016-07-16Ecclecktic Bad Bee Flight Good Flight: Stats Speed 251 MPH,Peak Accel. 8G, Decent speed 13 MPH, Duration 84.4 sec - G40-4W - The Plains, VA [More]
Integrator Flight Another great flight, Love this rocket, perfect recovery - G78-4G [More]
Red Flare Flight Straight Launch perfect ejection and recovery, maiden launch - D12-5 - The Plains, VA [More]
Lil Grunt Flight Straight Flight, Lost sight at ejection recovered. Damaged Fin - The Plains, VA [More]
Kevin Smith |