Kenneth Olavarria's PageAKA: k0la Location: Boulder, CO Certification Level: L1 TRA Club Memberships: TRA,SCORE Favorite Rockets: Solace Biography: I like rockets
Favorite Quote: the Pages:
2022-08-21Solace  Flight Second flight of Solace on a CTI L1720WT. I absolutely love this motor. Apogee was 9500 ft and max velocity 1000 ft/s. I broke the waiver (8k ft), since I failed to properly account for component masses on OpenRocket. I am proud to say no waivers have been broken since.
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2022-08-07Solace  Flight First flight of Solace on a CTI K820 Blue Streak. Perfect flight, although lost sight of rocket due to low visibility (Colorado Fires). Apogee was 5878ft and max velocity 623 ft/s. Altimeters used were MissleWorks RRC3 (Primary) and Eggtimer TRS/GPS (Backup, GPS tracking). - CTI ... [More]
| Kenneth Olavarria |