JR Johnson-Roehr's PageRocketReviews.com Pages:
2017-07-08Navajo AGM  Flight Super stressed about launching a two-stage rocket on its maiden voyage, but stepped up to the 3rd or 4th launch of the day to get it done. Good altitude, clean separation, hard landing for the booster. Great kid watched the booster and brought me back all three pieces of it (snapped fin, sheared ... [More]
Custom Fiesta Flight Good flight, more height than I expected on that motor. First flight after repair. Used a new 6-inch parachute instead of the streamer that helped it not at all in the previous flight. Seems like the right sized parachute, recovery in field. - A8-3 - CMASS Acton Launch School Street Field [More]
Estes Maniac Flight Typical good flight, what I've come to expect of this rocket. Really want to run it up on an E engine. - D12-5 - CMASS Acton Launch School Street Field [More]
Quest Icarus  Flight Only realized today that this is a payload rocket -- it flies straight and true as it is, not sure if I want to mess with success. Windy field, drifted into weed across the street. What would happen if I reduced the parachute size? Poorly angled launch. Luckily missed the power lines. - C6-5 - ... [More]
Custom TriStar Flight Too much wind for this motor, but at least it stopped before it hit Route 2. Didn't notice the spin that I saw last time, so maybe it was the launch set up, not the rocket, that had the problem. Maybe try a streamer recovery. - B6-4 - CMASS Acton Launch School Street Field [More]
Quest Spin Fin Flight Really didn't see it spin -- maybe the paint job masked it. Good angle on launch, recovery on field. - B6-4 - CMASS Acton Launch School Street Field [More]
2016-08-20Estes Maniac Flight Maiden flight. "Thrilling" Straight, high, best rocket ever. - D12-5 - CMASS Acton Launch School Street Field [More]
Quest Icarus Flight 25th flight of the day. Good flight, but not much altitude. - B6-4 - CMASS Acton Launch School Street Field [More]
Custom TriStar Flight Maiden voyage; was this rocket supposed to spin? (No) Despite spin, flight was straight up, good flight, good recovery. Too much wadding. - A8-3 - CMASS Acton Launch School Street Field [More]
Quest Spin Fin Flight Maiden voyage; straight up, nice "no need to be nervous" launch. Good parachute recovery, rapid descent. - B6-4 - CMASS Acton Launch School Street Field [More]
| JR Johnson-Roehr |