John Pate's Pages:
2013-06-20Dr. Zooch R-7 Sputnik (Kit)  Review
This is the R7 Sputnik launch vehicle by Dr Zooch. The R7 Semyorka launched Sputnik into space on October 4, 1957 and was the first man-made object in space. The R7 went on to be the launch vehicle for the Vostok, Voshod. and the Soyuz program. This kit features pa ... [More]
2011-04-12Little Ivan Flight Good first flight. Went straight. Came down nicely with streamer, but hit a light pole and broke a fin at the root. - A8-3 [More]
Patriot Missle Flight Not good flight, did not gain enough altitude and ejection was about 10 feet from ground. Need stronger motor for next flight. - A8-3 [More]
| John Pate |