Rocketry Videos

By Johan Tibell

High Power Rocket Launch Leads to RUD (2019-02-24)
The rocket had a Rapid Unplanned Disassembly shortly after take-off, most likely due to a motor assembly error. Filmed during the ARGOS club launch on February 23rd, 2019. [View]

LOC IV - H130W (Ground Camera) - High Power Rocket Launch (2019-02-24)
Launched at the Advanced Rocketry Group of Switzerland (ARGOS) club launch on Feb 23, 2019. Rocket had a Jolly Logic chute release but the chute somehow opened up before the chute release fired, ... [View]

LOC IV - H130W (On-board Camera) - High Power Rocket Launch (2019-02-23)
Launched at the Advanced Rocketry Group of Switzerland (ARGOS) club launch on Feb 23, 2019. Rocket had a Jolly Logic chute release but the chute somehow opened up before the chute release fired, ... [View]

Videos by Johan Tibell at YouTube