Joe Mustion's Page Pages:



Aeorbee 100 Jr.


Ejection charge did not fire. Rocket came in horizontal, rolling. Minor fin damage. Cleaning motor revealed no clues. Discussing with vendor. More to come. Altimeter failed. Did not come on in the field, but came on at home. Appears to be working ok now ???? - Aerotech F24-4W - TBRA near Plant ... [More]


Mad cow 2.6" FG Nike Smoke


Good flight. Saw almost entire flight. Missed apogee; delay too short was reported to me. - Aerotech G64-7W - TBRA near Plant City FL [More]


Mad cow 2.6" FG Nike Smoke


Good flight. Altimeter was within 87% with the sim. Close, but I'm going to tweak the sim a bit. - Aerotech G74-6W - TBRA near Plant City FL [More]



Nite Flight (3" school rocket)


Good up. General agreement was that descent was fast on this Nite Flite. Lights stayed on throughout launch and landing. Beefed up battery holder on NC is a success. Rough landing with chute deployed. Who knows? It was dark. 2 fins loosened and repaired. - +E30-4 - Tampa Bay Rocketry Association [More]


Mad cow 2.6" FG Nike Smoke


Motor drilled to 6 secs. Nominal flight. Continue using this motor until I am confident that I can maintain visual contact throughout the flight. - +G64-10 - Tampa Bay Rocketry Association [More]


The Amazing Point


Good up. Recovery failed, as usual. Beefed up recovery system for next flight. - +C6-3 - Tampa Bay Rocketry Association [More]


Super Chief 2


Good Flight. Fin broke on booster, repaired with TBQT. - D12-0 / B6-4 - Tampa Bay Rocketry Association [More]



Big Der Red Max


Nice flight. I think it was over 800. Nice straight flight, no roll. - F35-4 - Spaceport Rocketry Association [More]


LW2S - long white 2 stage


Good flight. Someone commented "Nice long boost" - C6-0 / A8-5 - Spaceport Rocketry Association [More]


Long 3" School "Bumblebee"


Nice flight. JLCR @ 400' - F40W-7 - Spaceport Rocketry Association [More]



My flights at TBRA April 2023


Zipper on Bumblebee



Estes - Nike Smoke

Rocksim Design




3\" School Rocket

OpenRocket Design

This design is a first draft. Please let me know of any errors. This rocket is offered by Balsa Machine Services. I designed the sim file to check performance with Aerotech 24/20-40 motors. Fins are not notched for sim, but mass is based on measured weight. Mass overrides are based on measured ... [More]



Album - My flights at TBRA April 2023


Joe Mustion