Jim Rupp's PageRocketReviews.com Pages:
2023-11-04Custom Serin  Flight Nice straight flight, despite the wind. Parawad recovery but landed in the grass. No damage. - B4-4 - Muncie AMA Field [More]
2021-07-05Estes Wacky Wiggler Flight Bad deployment - only 4 / 7 segments separated. Kevlar cord burned through, requiring repair. - B6-4 - Discovery Park [More]
Custom Serin Flight Good deployment using new swivel mount for the parachute. - B6-4 - Discovery Park [More]
Custom Serin Flight Good deployment using new swivel mount for the parachute. Bent the upper body tube upon impact with hard ground. - B6-4 - Discovery Park [More]
2005-06-17Custom Rockets Serin (Kit)  Review
A skill level 1 quasi-missile kit with 18mm motor mount and 4 fins.
At first glance, I found this kit very typical Custom kit, but I then noticed
that there were more pieces for a level 1 kit than other kits I have worked on.
The kit includes:
1 plastic ... [More]
FlisKits Nebula (Kit)  Review
A Level 1, three fin 13mm cardstock rocket.
This rocket is available as a free download from FlisKits and is my first
cardstock rocket. I was amazed how easy it went together, not to mention the
amount of detail in the instructions.
The rocket "kit" ... [More]
| Jim Rupp |