Jim Fields's PageLocation: Osceola, Indiana Certification Level: L2 NAR Club Memberships: Michiana Rocketry Favorite Rockets: "Deep Purple" Biography: Another of the long lists of BAR's out there. My daughter picking up rocketry as a 4H project brought me back to the hobby. Now with her and my son we are enjoying it as both a hobby and a chance for me to teach them new trade skill sets. We are also doing a lot of builds with Scout groups and trying to gain a foothold back in the local school system as well. We also assist when the club, Michiana Rocketry, reaches out into the community to expose the hobby to more folks.
You never know where the next 'BAR' may be lurking!
Club Home Page: http://www.michianarocketry.org/ RocketReviews.com Pages:
2011-11-06Robby's Blue Bird Zero Flight heavy winds, weathercocked a bit, best sparky - Gorilla H225 Black Lightning - Three Oaks, Michigan [More]
I was a Sumo.... Act III Flight good flight, failed chute - Cesaroni H180 Skidmark - Three Oaks, Michigan [More]
2011-04-03Deep Purple Flight Nice clean boost amidst serious winds.
Another nice reload for this bird. - Aerotech J420 Redline - Ash Grove, Lafayette [More]
2011-04-02Robby's Blue Bird Zero Flight Not a good choice for high winds the thrust is too low to cut through the sheers.
This will be a nice load on a calm day
Ematch failure on drogue, recovered minimal damage. - I145 - Ash Grove, Lafayette [More]
I Love Tokyo Flight Good flight, heavy windcocking, body chaffing from 'skipping' across field. - Kosdon G65 Dirty Harry - Ash Grove, Lafayette [More]
Spongebob ARCASpants Flight Clean boost straight up through the winds. Long drift and fin lost amidst ground 'skipping' and body chaffing. - Kosdon H 155 fast - Ash Grove, Lafayette [More]
2011-03-26Robby's Blue Bird Zero Flight Nice boost, straight, no spin, dual events as planned, unfortunatley tangled chute.
Recovered no damage. - Kosdon I 155 slow - Three Oaks, Michigan [More]
2011-02-26I Love Tokyo Flight Nice straight boost, instant off the pad. - G106 - Three Oaks, Michigan [More]
2011-01-29I Love Tokyo Flight angled into wind, recovered within 100' of pad - Kosdon G65 Dirty Harry - Three Oaks, Michigan [More]
2011-01-27Quest MLAS (Kit)  Review
My son and I were on our most recent trek up to Stevensville to see Dave at Red Arrow Hobbies ( http://www.redarrowhobbies.com/ ) to pick up some kits he had ordered up for us for a Cub Scout build event. My son was cruising through the inventory, and yes it is nice to have a &ls ... [More]
2010-12-28K&S Rockets Grey Wolf Rocksim Design  [More]
2010-12-24K&S Rockets Grey Wolf (Kit)  Review
Grey Wolf
The Grey Wolf's basic stats:
Diameter: 2.64"
Length: 73"
Span Diameter: 8"
Motor Mount: 38mm
The Grey Wolf kit features Baltic Birch Plywood fins, bulkhead and centering ring, Tubular nylon recovery harnesses ... [More]
2010-12-18Grey Wolf Flight Nice straight boost into the clouds. Lost track of it at apogee picked it back up when we heard the second event. Great flyer. - I301 - Three Oaks, Michigan [More]
Jim Fields |