Rocketry Videos

Videos / Motors / Aerotech / J415
High Power Two Stage Launch at Mudrock 2011 (2011-07-09)
This is a two stage carbon fiber rocket my brother and I built for Mudrock 2011. It stands 10' 10" tall and was launched on K550 to J415. On board was a small HD camera and a GPS tracker/tr ... [View]
Northwest HS NASA-SLI test launch 3-13-2010.wmv (2010-03-17)
The Northwest High School (Fort Worth, TX) NASA-SLI team launched their full-scale project rocket on March 13, 2010 at the Hearne Municipal Airport in Hearne, TX at a regularly scheduled Houston ... [View]
Apogee Madcow Level-2 Rocket, Aerotech J415W, TCC Helm CA Maddox Dairy Farm July 2016 (2016-07-18)
A full 1280 N-s J Impulse White Lightning motor in an 11.5 lb rocket... Launch Event: TCC July 2016 Launch Location: Maddox Diary Farm, Helm CA Rocket: Madcow/Apogee "Level-2" Motor: Aerotech RMS ... [View]
July 4th Madcow Nike Smoke Rocket on an Aerotech J415 (2020-07-06)
July 4th rockets at the 4 Corners Rocketry Association launch. Madcow Nike Smoke launched on an Aerotech J415 motor to 6425' AGL. Video from several angles including an on-board Mobius camera angled ... [View]
Madcow PAC-3/AT J415W High Power Rocket (2017-03-20)
Launched at Michiana Rocketry launch in Three Oaks, MI on 3-19-17. [View]
Madcow PAC-3/AT J415W High Power Rocket (2017-03-20)
Michiana Rocketry launch on 3-19-17. Motor was supposed to be a 14 second delay. Obviously it was a little early. No damage to the rocket. [View]
RG 12 Scott Szympruch Black Brant II (2022-01-11)
Scott Szympruch Black Brant II From Red Glare 12 Launch DVD 2012 [View]