Rocketry Videos

Videos / Motors / Aerotech / J270
High Power Rocketry NAR Level 2 Certification Flight (2020-07-10)
For my L2 certification flight, I used the HyperLOC 835, the same rocket that I used for L1. This flight used an Aerotech J-270 motor and a flight computer capable of dual deploy (two parachutes, ... [View]
LOC Doorknob June 16 2018 at BARC (2018-06-17)
LOC Doorknob on an Aerotech J270W-8 using a Mobius 2 camera. [View]
Madcow Torrent, H219; LOC Door Knob, J270 White Lightning (2018-06-20)
A Torrent flying on an H219 and a LOC Door knob flying on a J270 White Lightning at Bridgeton Area Rocket Club on 6-16-2018 [View]
Polecat Aerospace Black Brant III L2 Certification Attempt (2017-05-18)
Since getting my NAR Level 1 High Power Rocketry certification last year, I have been working on a rocket to attempt my Level 2 certification with. The rocket I chose was the Polecat Aerospace Black ... [View]